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D O N E B Y:


The term ‘passive’ implies that energy-consuming mechanical components like HVCA, pumps, fans etc. are not used.

Passive solar design refers to the use of sun’s energy for the heating and cooling of living spaces. In this approach,
the building itself or some element of it takes advantage of natural energy characteristics in materials and air
created by exposure to sun.
Passive systems are simple , have few moving parts, and require minimal maintenance and require no mechanical
The building should be elongated on east-west axis.
The building’s south face should receive sunlight between the hours of 9.00AM and 3.00PM (Sun time) during the
heating season.
Interior spaces requiring the most light and heating and cooling should be along south face of the building. Less
used spaces should be located on the north.
An open floor plan optimizes passive system operation.
Use shading to prevent summer sun entering the interior. Sun angles can help you figure the overhang calculations.

Thermal mass

Aperture/Collector: The large glass area through which sunlight enters the building. The aperture should face within 30
degrees of true south and should not be shaded by other buildings or trees from 9a.m to 3p.m. daily during the heating
Absorber: The hard, darkened surface of the storage element. The surface, which could be a masonry wall, floor, or water
container, sits in the direct path of sunlight. Sunlight hitting the surface is absorbed as heat.
Thermal mass: Materials that retain or store the heat produced by sunlight. While the absorber is an expose surface, the
thermal mass is the material below and behind this surface.
Distribution: Method by which solar heat circulates from the collection and storage points to different areas of the house. A
strictly passive design will use the three natural heat transfer modes conduction, convection and radiation exclusively. In some
applications, fans, ducts and blowers may be used to distribute the heat through the house.
Control: Roof overhangs can be used to shade the aperture area during summer months. Other elements that control
under and/or overheating include electronic sensing devices, such as a differential thermostat that signals a fan to turn on;
operable vents and dampers that allow or restrict heat flow; low-emissivity blinds; and awnings.
2. High-rise building:


Various bodies have defined "high-rise":

◦ Emporis Standards defines a high-rise as "A multi-story structure between 35–100 meters tall, or a building of unknown height from 12–39 floors.
"According to the building code of Hyderabad, India, a high-rise building is one with four floors or more, or 15 to 18 meters or more in height.
The International Conference on Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings defined a high-rise as "any structure where the height can have a serious impact
on evacuation. In the U.S., the National Fire Protection Association defines a high-rise as being higher than 75 feet (23 meters), or about 7 stories.
Most building engineers, inspectors, architects and similar professionals define a high-rise as a building that is at least 75 feet (23 m) tall.

• A high-rise building is a tall building, as opposed to a low-rise building and is defined differently in terms of height depending on the jurisdiction. It is
used as a residential, office building, or other functions including hotel, retail, or with multiple purposes combined. Residential high-rise buildings are
also known as tower blocks and may be referred to as "MDUs", standing for "multi-dwelling unit". A very tall high-rise building is referred to as
a skyscraper.

• High-rise buildings became possible with the invention of the elevator (lift) and less expensive, more abundant building materials. The materials used
for the structural system of high-rise buildings are reinforced concrete and steel. Most North American style skyscrapers have a steel frame, while
residential blocks are usually constructed of concrete. There is no clear difference between a tower block and a skyscraper, although a building with
forty or more stories and taller than 150 m (490 ft) is generally considered a skyscraper.
• High-rise structures pose particular design challenges for structural and geotechnical engineers, particularly if situated in a seismically
active region or if the underlying soils have geotechnical risk factors such as high compressibility or bay mud. They also pose serious
challenges to firefighters during emergencies in high-rise structures. New and old building design, building systems like the
building standpipe system, HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), fire sprinkler system and other things like stairwell
and elevator evacuations pose significant problems. Studies are often required to ensure that pedestrian wind comfort and wind danger
concerns are addressed. In order to allow less wind exposure, to transmit more daylight to the ground and to appear more slender, many
high-rises have a design with setbacks.

• Apartment buildings have technical and economic advantages in areas of high population density, and have become a distinctive feature
of housing accommodation in virtually all densely populated urban areas around the world. In contrast with low-rise and single-family
houses, apartment blocks accommodate more inhabitants per unit of area of land and decrease the cost of municipal infrastructure.
Siting and Structure Design Efficiency:

• The foundation of any construction project is rooted in the concept and design stages. The concept stage, in fact, is one of the major steps in a project
life cycle, as it has the largest impact on cost and performance. In designing environmentally optimal buildings, the objective is to minimize the total
environmental impact associated with all life-cycle stages of the building project.

• However, building as a process is not as streamlined as an industrial process, and varies from one building to the other, never repeating itself identically.
In addition, buildings are much more complex products, composed of a multitude of materials and components each constituting various design
variables to be decided at the design stage. A variation of every design variable may affect the environment during all the building's relevant life-cycle
Building envelope

A building envelope is the structural barrier between the interior and exterior of a building. It is responsible for maintaining climate control within the interior of a building. Climate control refers to
cooling and heating a building. The building envelope also keeps the interior free from moisture, sound, and light. The building envelope structure includes the:




Doors, and


Explore what influences the materials and the design used in a building envelope.

Common Materials

Common materials are used to form the building envelope structure and contribute to the structure by having long lasting, insulating, water repellent, sound blocking, and light filtering characteristics.
Common roof material includes asphalt, composite, wood, metal, clay, slate, and rubber. Typical wall material includes brick, stone, stucco, glass block, wood, concrete, and vinyl. The building envelope
foundation simply consists of stone, brick, or forms of concrete. Window frames and doors share common materials such as aluminum, composite, fiberglass, vinyl, and wood. Specialty coatings and
tints, along with gases, are commonly applied to any glass on both windows and doors. Building envelope material is dependent on the climate, culture, and available resources.
The building orientation determines the amount of radiation it receives. If the variations of solar radiation intensities on a horizontal surface and the vertical walls of different
orientations are graphically compared, the following facts will be apparent:

In most equatorial and tropical locations, but especially near the Equator. The horizontal surface receives the greatest intensity.

At the higher latitude, the wall facing the Equator receives the next highest intensity in winter (when the Sun is low) but it receives very little in summer.

In the equatorial location, north and south walls receive the least intensity and that only for short periods of the year.

East and west facing walls receive the second highest intensities in the equatorial location and consistently large intensities even at the higher latitude.

In the equatorial location, if solar heat gain is to be avoided, the main windows should face north or south. At the higher latitude, an orientation away from the Equator would
receive the least sunshine, but here it may be desirable to have some solar heat gain in winter, when the sun is low- so an orientation towards the Equator may be preferable.
In both locations, only minor openings of unimportant rooms should be placed on the east and west side. Solar heat gain on the west side can be particularly troublesome as its
maximum intensity coincides with the hottest part of the day.
Components of building fabric
The building fabric consists of elements such as structural materials and finishes that enclose space, separating inside
from outside. This includes walls, windows, doors, roofs, and floor surfaces, etc. Openings are located in the fabric to
provide physical access to a building, create views to the outside, admit daylight and/or solar energy for heating, and
supply natural ventilation. The form, size, and location of the openings vary depending upon the role they play in the
building fabric. Window glazing can be used to affect heating and cooling requirements and occupant comfort by
controlling the type and amount of light that passes through windows.

Decisions about construction details also play a crucial role in design of the building fabric. Building materials conduct
heat at different rates. Components of the fabric such as foundation walls, sills, studs, joists, and connectors, among
others, can create paths for the transfer of thermal energy, known as thermal bridges that conduct heat across the wall
assembly. Wise detailing decisions, including choice and placement of insulation material, are essential to assure
thermal efficiency.

The roof is arguably the most important structural element of the building shell. It was traditionally inclined
but it has often been replaced - especially in urban buildings - by the flat roof. As a result problems which
were practically non existent in the inclined roofs, began to increase.
The requirements that a flat roof must satisfy in order to avoid damages and to adjust the internal climatic
conditions, can be summarised as followings:
It must be waterproof and damp proof both from external rain and internal relative humidity.
It must have the necessary slopes to facilitate and achieve, in a short period of time, the removal of rainwater.
It must provide satisfactory thermal protection - winter to summer - for the spaces it covers.

Accessible Flat Roof - Warm Roof

In this case special attention must be paid in the construction of the waterproof layer and the correct slopes.
The layers above the thermal insulation are not protected from the external conditions. Expansion joints must
be constructed.
Massive non accessible roof - Warm roof

The difference between this case and the precious one is the final layering.
Inverted non accessible roof - warm roof

An inverted roof solution is a good choice for the roof structure. The thermal insulation layer is on the outside,
which protects the underlying layers from thermal expansion and contraction and consequently prevents the
formation of fissures.

Accessible Ventilated Roof - Cold Roof

In this case special air circulates through the roof in order to remove excess heat.

Inclined Roof

Inclined roofs offer a solution which has the fewer structural and mainly functional problems and can be easily
Glazed Openings

The glazing elements of a building are often its weak points and can concern the energy conscious designer more than the opaque
building elements. Their peculiarity lies in the number of functions that they are supposed to perform (lighting, ventilation, sound
protection, etc.). Each one of these functions suggests a different solution. So, in order to achieve good living conditions and according to
the function that is examined the solution varies in materials and in size.

In terms of energy, when the dimensioning of the openings is decided, thermal losses should be considered as well as the anticipated
thermal solar gains which depend on the orientation of the opening. Thermal losses can be divided into transmission and ventilation
losses. One should take into account the fact that, in comparison to compact walls, the transmission losses through glass are 5-7 times
higher. Thermal bridges are very often created between the frame and the wall. In addition, ventilation losses depend on the good
application of the opening in the wall and generally on its air tightness. Old openings or openings that do not close properly, present high
ventilation losses. When the windows are used for fresh air supply, then the amount of heat that is lost is very large.
The following guidelines should be followed for the building's external openings:

Weather proofing on windows should be applied in order to reduce significantly the

unwanted ventilation losses.

The connection between the frame of the window and the wall should be constructed
very carefully, so as to avoid or reduce thermal bridges.

Double glazing reduce transmission losses.

The size and the position of the opening in an external wall, should be chosen
accordingly to the orientation and therefore to the quantity of the thermal solar
energy that you want to collect, as well as in relation to sunlight being directed inside
the space.

Large windows on the east and the west side should be avoided as they will cause
overheating in the summer.

One should not forget the installation and use of the proper sunshading device of the
openings for every orientation and should keep in mind the total cost of the openings,
including also the cost of the solar protection.

The placement of large openings on the north side is not recommended, as the
amount of gains is very limited and results only from diffuse radiation, while there are
a lot of thermal losses.
External Surfaces - Glazings
Solar heat gains can be controlled by the sensible sizing and positioning of the glazed surfaces taking the
orientation into consideration. East and west facing openings should be minimised. They increase the
summer overheating risk and therefore the cooling load. In urban buildings with an east or west orientation,
where there is a demand for large openings for architectural or functional reasons, a special glazing that
reduces solar heat gains during the summer period should be chosen. This also allows for natural lighting and
unobstructed views. The most effective glazing types in these cases are the reflecting or the absorbing ones.

The larger the unprotected openings, the greater is the potential for solar heat gain and the
danger of overheating. Thus, one should apply the proper sun-shading devices to every external
opening of the building according their orientation. Special glazing is not recommended for use in
residential buildings, because it is rather expensive and architecturally inappropriate. It is
therefore more suitable for office and commercial buildings
Traditional Wall

Traditional single "skin" walls are limited in their applications. One way to limit heat transmission
would be to limit the glazing surface area of the façade. But this also limits day lighting levels and
places constraints on the architectural aspects. Solar heat gains can also be reduced by using various
special forms of glass such as heat absorbing, reflecting and high performance glass. Since visible light
constitutes around 50% of the solar energy spectrum, the use of these types of glass will also
effectively reduce light transmission. The result is that the external view may appear duller in color and
less natural. To reduce solar heat glare, many passive envelopes use internal blinds. The effectiveness
of internal blinds for heat reduction depends on their ability to reflect incoming solar radiation back
through the glass before it can be absorbed and converted into "sensible" heat. Internal shading
therefore has limited effectiveness since it allows heat to enter the room. The heat absorbed and re-
radiated by the internal shade therefore contributes directly to the instantaneous cooling demand on
the HVAC system.

Shading Wall

The most efficient means of controlling solar energy is by the use of external shading since it simply
intercepts the solar radiation before it enters the building.

To be most effective the entire glass surface must be shaded. External fins, hoods and blinds are
expensive due to the additional costs of framing and support requirements from external wind
pressures as well as the need for them to be adjustable to function most efficiently. Other costs
include maintenance, up keep and cleaning as well as the need to modify and improve building
maintenance units and equipment. Fixed shading devices such as fins or hoods seldom provide
complete protection, particularly on elevations facing east and west when the sun is rising and setting.
In such instances to provide effective protection would require the hoods to be at such an angle that
the prime purpose of a window - visibility and light - would be negated.
Climate Façade

With the climate façade an extra pane is added at the inside. The intermediate shading devices reflects a majority of the incoming solar
radiation back through the external glass. The proportion of absorbed solar radiation is converted into "sensible" heat and re-radiated
back into the air space between the inner and outer panes. In the summer the heated air in the air space is exhausted to the outside of
the building. In the winter situation the cold radiation from the glass surface is reduced, because the inner pane is heated by the heated
air stream.
Second skin facade or naturally ventilated facade
Second skin façades are an effective means of providing protection against solar radiation. The system operates on the principle of using a
ventilated second "skin" with an intermediate-shading device. The intermediate shading devices reflects a majority of the incoming solar
radiation back through the external glass. A proportion of the absorbed solar radiation is converted into "sensible" heat and re-radiated
back into the air space between the inner and outer panes. Ventilation of heat gains in the air space is dependent on the effects of
external wind pressures and/or "stack" effect.
The "stack" effect works on the principle that the heat absorbed and re-radiated by the blind and glazing rises within the cavity. Cooler air
is drawn into the air space to replace the buoyant warmer air, which is ventilated. To effectively ventilate the wall, using wind or stack
effects, the depth of the air space and vent dimensions are considerably greater than an active or interactive wall. This results in a deep
and heavy façade. Whilst the system is effective in controlling solar heat gains, the introduction of cold external air into the cavity during
winter means that the benefits of an air "buffer" is negated.

Triple skin facade with mechanical exhaust or triple climate facade

This system combines the principles of the climate facade and the second skin facade. The inner pane is now a screen (third skin).
An extra extension on this system is that the rate of ventilation of the outer air space can be controlled by a small energy efficient built in
fan powered by solar energy or conventional means. Such a wall is more compact requiring a much smaller overall section depth than a
naturally ventilated wall.
External Walls

Sliding Wall

The insulating material must be placed on the external side of the internal wall. If it is placed on the internal
side of the external wall it will provide almost no protection.
The external wall structures can be thermally insulated on the external side; in the core of a double wall; and on
the internal side. The method of the ventilated wall structure can also be implemented. In detail:
Ventilated Facade

Ventilated facade is a recommended solution in all cases and in particularly for hot and humid climate. With the
ventilation of the building elements vapor concentration is avoided, the external building shell is protected from
external influences, and overheating of the building shell during the summer is avoided.

• Modular buildings are buildings made up of components manufactured on

assembly lines in factories then assembled on site in a variety of arrangements.
• Buildings can be constructed using modular 'parts' such as walls, frames,
doors, ceilings, and windows, or a number of 'complete' prefabricated modular
building units.
• Modular building became popular after the Second World War when there
was a need for the rapid construction of buildings (in particular dwellings) to
replace bomb-damaged buildings and to accommodate returning troops.
• They were initially well-received, but as they often remained in use well
beyond their design life (for example, 'temporary' classrooms, some of which
are still in use), and were sometimes aesthetically less attractive than
traditional buildings, they fell out of favour.
• More recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in modular buildings,
with a recognition, not only that they can be aesthetically pleasing, they can
also achieve a very high building quality and can be both long lasting and
• The gap between modular structures and traditional buildings has narrowed,
and there has been an improvement in performance driven in part by
regulatory standards but also by the availability of new materials

Other examples of modular buildings include:

• Educational buildings and nurseries. (See also, Modular buildings in the educational sector.)
• Offices.
• Temporary buildings (such as site accommodation, live event accommodation, accommodation
for temporary re-location during construction works and so on).
• Showrooms and marketing suites.
• Healthcare buildings (such as consulting rooms, and operating theatres).
• Catering buildings.
• Ministry of Defence buildings.
• Hotels.
• Manufacturing facilities such as clean rooms.
• Buildings for remote or hostile locations where conventional construction techniques may be
• Dwellings.
• Mobile buildings.
• Equipment housing.
• Emergency buildings for urgent accommodation requirements.
• Cruise ship accommodation.

• 4-sided modules
• Partially open-sided modules
• Open-sided (corner-supported)
• Modules supported by a
primary structural frame
• Non-load bearing modules
• Mixed modules and planar
floor cassettes
• Special stair or lift modules.






•A curtain wall system is an outer covering of a building in which

the outer walls are non-structural, but merely keep the weather
out and the occupants in.
• As the curtain wall is non-structural it can be made of a
lightweight material reducing construction costs.
• The curtain wall façade does not carry any dead load weight
from the building other than its own dead load weight.
•The wall transfers horizontal wind loads that are incident upon
it to the main building structure through connections at floors or
columns of the building.
A curtain wall is designed to resist air and water infiltration,
sway induced by wind and seismic forces acting on the building,
and its own dead load weight forces.

Curtain wall systems are typically designed with extruded

aluminum members.
•The aluminum frame is typically in filled with glass, which
provides an architecturally pleasing building, as well as
benefits such as day lighting.
•Other common infill include:
- stone veneer,
- metal panels,
- louvers,
- operable windows or vents.
•Curtain walls differ from store-front systems in that they
are designed to span multiple floors, and take into
consideration design requirements such as: thermal
expansion and contraction; building sway and movement;
water diversion; and thermal efficiency for cost-effective
heating, cooling, and lighting in the building.

1. Anchors
2. Mullions (horizontal and vertical)
3. Horizontal rail
4. Spandrel panel
5. Vision Glass
6. Transom

Curtain walls are precast at a factory and assembled before they

are brought to the site. Basically, there are two types of curtain
wall systems depending on the method by which the
components are assembled.
1. Stick Curtain Wall System
2. Unitized Curtain Wall System


• In this type of curtain wall system, the components are
assembled piece by piece on the structure of the building.
• This system is mainly used for low-rise buildings or in small
regions. This is due to the fact that for reaching higher
elevations it is important to have exterior access.
• This system promises flexibility as it gives space for onsite
• Though it has the advantage of low shipping costs, the labor
and time consumption should not be underestimated as tend
to run quite high.
• In this type of curtain wall system, the parts are
already assembled in the factory. The components
are installed and brought as a single unit from the
factory to the site.
• This negates the need for individual installation.
• The size of the unitized curtain walls is directly
proportional to the floor to floor height of the
• Popular in high-rise buildings, they don’t need
external supports such as cranes or scaffolding.
Only mini cranes or temporary hoist are needed.
• This system offers the benefits of quick
construction and good quality as the components
are manufactured in a factory setting.
• However, this type of curtain wall system tends to
increase the shipping charges due to need for
larger and better protection during transportation
to the site.
Sustainability in curtain walls

There are two new methods that ensure that curtain walls
use less energy and are more sustainable. They are:
- These windows contain a variable opacity filter, which
detects the amount of light passing through the
window and automatically modifies opacity
- Opacity is the measurement of its transparency. If a
window is highly transparent then its opacity is low
and if the transparency is low then its opacity is high.
- These windows reduce energy consumption up to


- This system utilizes two sets of curtain walls to create
a buffer zone between interior and exterior
- More advanced version include vents which allow
thermal movement between the curtain wall layers
resulting in normalized interior temperatures.

construction and demolition (C&D) materials are those items left over at a construction,
renovation or demolition site.

The most common materials are concrete, wood, drywall, asphalt shingles, asphalt pavement,
metal and cardboard. These materials typically make up 70 to 95 percent of the discarded
material at a residential or commercial site. They are often discarded but are actually valuable
commodities that can be recycled into new products or used in many new ways. When
perceived as waste, disposal of C&D materials is often viewed as simply part of the cost of
doing business, and recycling and reusing these materials are sometimes overlooked as
management options. Recycling can benefit a construction business’s bottom line, and it
benefits the environment.

Concrete can be recycled into many markets that currently use crushed stone. Because
concrete is commonly recycled, numerous concrete recycling facilities exist across the country.

Asphalt pavement is heavily recycled currently and is commonly crushed and recycled back into
asphalt, either in-place or at a hot-mix asphalt plant. Asphalt shingles can also be ground and
recycled into hot-mix asphalt. Recycling asphalt pavement and shingles produces large energy
savings over the life of the materials because of the energy-intensive process of creating
asphalt binder from oil.
Clean, untreated wood can be re-milled into lumber or chipped or ground and used to make
engineered board, boiler fuel and mulch. For all markets, wood contaminated with lead-based paint or
wood preservatives should be removed and managed according to local regulations.

Common metals found at a construction, demolition or renovation site include steel, aluminum, and
copper. Construction sites frequently generate large amounts of cardboard waste when new
appliances and materials are delivered to the site in cardboard boxes. Markets are well-established for
metals and cardboard. Local metal scrap yards or recyclers that accept these materials are likely easily

Gypsum in drywall can be removed and recycled into many markets that commonly use gypsum,
including new drywall manufacture, cement manufacture and agriculture. Drywall contaminated with
lead-based paint should be removed prior to recycling and managed appropriately.


Calcareous materials are those which are partly composed of calcium carbonate or being chalky


• Hollow Concrete Block

• Fly Ash Bricks
• Rice Husk Ash
• Ferrocement
• Tire Veneer
• Plastic Wood
• Synthetic Fibre
• Recycled Agg.
• Fly Ash
• Bamboo

• Concrete blocks are environmentally friendly as fly ash • Fly ash bricks are made of gypsum , lime and sand which
is used as one of the raw material are environmentally friendly materials
• Provides thermal and sound insulation the air in hollow • Less energy is consumed in manufacturing these bricks
of the block , does not allow out side heat or cold in • Much fossil fuel is used in heating clay bricks in kilns
the house so it keeps house cool in summer and warm burning such fuels generates air pollution and green
in winter so usage of electrical appliances also reduces house gases , contributing to global warming

Metallic Materials include elemental metal and compound or alloy. There are 86 metals with distinct characteristic properties, and a
limited number of these metals have engineering importance. Steel accounts for about 80% of all metallic materials used in different
applications. This section focuses on the properties and applications of all metallic materials. The transformations of crystalline
structure by alloying and or by applying mechanical and thermal treatments that generate different properties .

Steel is a uniquely sustainable material because once it is made it can be
used, as steel, for ever. Steel is infinitely recycled, so the investment in
making steel is never wasted and can be capitalized on by future
Steel is a material that is used, not consumed. Steel can uniquely claim
to be the only truly recyclable material because when steel is recycled,
there is no down-grading. The steel recycling loop is a true closed
loop. It is recycled and used again, without any loss of quality, time after
time. The investment of resources in making steel is not wasted
because steel is not consumed.
Non-Metallic Materials. Non-metals are organic substances that do not conduct heat or electricity, and are structurally
brittle (cannot be easily rolled, molded, extruded or pressed). Chemically, the non-metallic elements in the periodic
table are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium . The world of industrial non metals
incorporates substances made from combinations of these elements
There are 22 non metals out of which 8 are solids and remaining are in gaseous state most of the non metals contain
carbon content in it except wood so only wood is considered as sustainable material in these
Naandi is the manifestation towards creating a
Rurban Eco-habitat on net-zero and triple bottom
line principles.
Situated 17km from Hyderabad, they offer
sustainable living space, a conscious community and
opportunities to work with nature.




URBAN REFINEMENT, RURAL ETHNICITY To pursue sustainability, they have created processes with
Organo builds full-featured sustainable living seven layers or strands which independently and
environment, harmlessly integrated into the interdependently work together. Food, Water, Air, Earth,
natural world providing a healthy way of living. Energy, Shelter and People are the central areas that help us
think towards a sustainable future.

1. Food : Creating healthy source of nutrition through food / produce grown using organic
farming practices without the need for chemicals.
2. Water : Employing advanced scientific procedures for conservation and treatment of water
and regularly monitoring overall consumption vs production.
3. Air : An endless supply of fresh air into homes through Earth Air Tunnel System.
4. Earth : Protecting the Earth by preserving soil health, by using organic methods and
fertilizers, employing necessary waste management and recycling processes.
5. Energy : Producing all energy from within the community area through renewable sources
like solar energy and a biogas plant and employing procedures to reduce power
6. Shelter : Creating shelter within nature while maintaining biodiversity. Open yet personal
living spaces and wide communal spaces incorporating comforts of this day and age.
7. People : Encouraging a community of people who live together responsibly, share their time,
knowledge and expertise towards co-creating and sustaining the environment around them.






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