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Volcanic Gases

Volcanic gases identifies the fluid gas phase

released by active volcanoes, both during
eruption and quiescence. Compositionally,
volcanic gases are molecular combinations of
four major elements (H, C, O and S) but also
include a variety of minor (Cl, F, N, He, Ne, and
Ar) to trace components. Being generally water-
dominated, volcanic gases show a spread of
compositions, reflecting a combination of source
processes (magma and its geodynamic context)
and interactions with local hydrothermal or
hydrologic system.
What to do before a volcanic eruption:
• Build a disaster survival kit, which includes items like non-
perishable food, water, a battery-powered or hand-crank
radio, extra flashlights and batteries.
• You may want to prepare portable kit and keep it in your car
in case you are told to evacuate. This kit should also include
a pair of goggles and disposable breathing masks for each
member of the family.
• Make a family disaster plan. Your family may not be together
when disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you
will contact one another, how will you get back together and
what you will do in case of an emergency.
What o do during volcanic eruption:

 Listen to alerts
 Follow evacuation orders from local
 Evacuate early
 Avoid areas downwind, and river valleys
downstream of the volcano.
 Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash
where you are if you have enough supplies.
 Cover ventilation openings and seal doors
and windows
What to do after a volcanic eruption:

Listen to your local radio stations for cvil defence

advice and follow instructions.

Stay indoors and away from volcanic ashfall areas as

much as possible.

When it is safe to go outside, keep your gutters and

roof clear of ash as heavy ash deposits can collapse
your roof.

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