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1.Meanings : The process of increasing can be called

2.Pronunciation : accretion
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : Accumulation
Antonym : Decrease or deduction
5.Sentence : The central city surrounded by recent accretion

1.Meanings : Something causing misery (or) death

2.Pronunciation : Bane
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : curse
Antonym : advantage
5.Sentence : the bane of my life

1.Meanings : Emotionally hardened

2.Pronunciation : callous
3.Parts of speech : adjective
4.Synomyms : indurate
Antonym : caring
5.Sentence : A callous indifference to suffering

1.Meanings : A compound obtained from another compound

2.Pronunciation : derivative
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : differential
Antonym : important
5.Sentence : a derivative process
E: evince

1.Meanings : Give expression

2.Pronunciation : evince
3.Parts of speech : verb
4.Synomyms : express
Antonym : hide
5.Sentence : tears can evince the grief of mourning

1.Meanings : Based on incorrect reasoning

2.Pronunciation : fallacious
3.Parts of speech : adjective
4.Synomyms : unsound
Antonym : correct
5.Sentence : I think this is fallacious

1.Meanings : Full of trivial conversation

2.Pronunciation : garrulous
3.Parts of speech : adjective
4.Synomyms : gabby
Antonym : quiet
5.Sentence : a garrulous person just won't stop talking

1.Meanings: Deserving
2.Pronunciation: hapless
3.Parts of speech: adjective
4.Synomyms: poor
Antonym: happy
5.Sentence: Even the traditionally hapless clippers are staking their
claim with Blake griffin and Chris Paul

1.Meanings : Attribute
2.Pronunciation : impute
3.Parts of speech : verb
4.Synomyms : assign
Antonym : protect
5.Sentence : the teacher imputed the student’s failure to his

1.Meanings : The sound of a bell runny slowly to announce a

2.Pronunciation : knell
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : ring
Antonym : -------
5.Sentence : make knell

1.Meanings : An advocate of libertarianism

2.Pronunciation : libertarian
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : orderly
Antonym : necessitation
5.Sentence: sol does libertarian wing of the conservatives, hoping to
simplify the welfare state

1.Meanings : The conventions that embody the fundamental

values of group
2.Pronunciation : mores
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : morals
Antonym : bad morals
5.Sentence : unimpressed with uptown mores

1.Meanings : The lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation

2.Pronunciation : nadir
3.Parts of speech : noun
4.Synomyms : lower-water maker
Antonym : zenith
5.Sentence : morale with the company

1.Meanings: offensive manner

2.Pronunciation: officious
3.Parts of speech: adjective
4.Synomyms: busy
Antonym: shy
5.Sentence: busting about self-importantly making on officious nuisance of him self

1.Meanings: Concise and full of meaning

2.Pronunciation: pithy
3.Parts of speech: adjective
4.Synomyms: sententious
Antonym: weak
5.Sentence: welcomed he's pithy comments

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