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Rewards & Punishment

Praveen Mittal
Rewards & Recognition :
The Magic Motivator
 What are Rewards, Recognition.
 Why Reward?
 Key components
 Framing of Recognition
 Types of rewards
 Points to remember when rewarding
What are Rewards , Recognition
 Rewards, awards, recognition….
 Acknowledgement of some achievement
 Predetermined or unplanned
 It promotes behavior you want repeated
 Individual or teams
 Monetary or non-monetary
Why Reward?
 Enhance job performance.
 Reinforces the strategies/goals of the organization
 Promotes repeatable behaviors
 Improves morale
 Can promote team building, motivation, etc.
 Can be positioned as a part of a total compensation
Key Components
 Targeted

 Timely

 Public
Framing of Recognition
 Who
• Individuals
• Teams
• Various organizational subsets
 When
• Daily, monthly, quarterly, annually
• As behavior occurs
• Specific events
 How – Within team or Public
Types of rewards
 Membership and seniority based rewards.

 Job status based rewards.

 Competency based rewards.

 Performance based rewards.

Points to remember when
 Never reward a wrong behavior
 Too little
 Too late
 Too much
 Review all other forms of recognition within
 Determine least method for most gain
 Cash or Non-monetary?
 Why is Discipline required in an organization?
 Types of discipline
 Why Punishment?
 Types of Punishment
 Points to remember when enforcing a
Why is Discipline required in an
• To Create an atmosphere of mutual respect.
• To ensure rules and regulations are followed.
• To increase efficiency of employees.
• To Create a healthy work environment.
Types of discipline
Positive discipline - achieved through
 Rewards
 Recognitions
 Effective leadership

Negative discipline- achieved through

 warnings
 Punishments
 Penalties
Why Punishment?
 To decrease a behavior, you ignore it or punish it.
 Absence of code of discipline.
 To enhance performance.
 Eliminating undesired behavior.
 To modify behavior.
 To implement effective reinforcing of desired
Types of Punishment
Minor Major

 Oral reprimand-  Withholding increments

 Demotions
 Written reprimands
 Discharge
 Loss of privileges
 Dismissal
 Fines
Points to remember when enforcing
a punishment
 Punishment should be enough to reduce the undesired
behavior, if Given more it may produce undesired results.
 Punishment should be administrated privately
 Show cause: employee should be given a opportunity to
justify his actions.
 Punishment should be on the undesired behavior not on
the person , otherwise it may lead to personal revenge.
 Punishment should be directed towards reinforcement
on desired behavior.

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