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“Choose a job you love and

you will never have to work a

day in your life.” (ConfuCius)

Matei Anca Mariana (8204), Lazăr Marilena Andreea (8202),

Ion Georgian Viorel (8202)

Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and

Rural Development, UASVM

Coordinator: Lecturer Andreea Constantin, PhD

Keywords: dream, knowledge, success.

The meaning of Confucius’s quote

In our opinion, Confucius tried

to tell us that we should chose to
do what we love most for a living.
Many of you will have heard this quote before, but for those who have not, it is a
quote from Confucius, a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the
Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.
Follow your passion
Whether you are a student, whether you already have a job or are looking for one, you have to be very
careful and plan your activities carefully. So you should only get yourself involved in those things that
really make you happy. The rest does not matter!

When you achieve happiness at work, you will not feel like working.
You will go home quietly, ready to give your family all your attention and love, and all this because you
will no longer be unhappy.
The importance of happiness at work

Happy workers

There are people who have been fortunate enough

to discover their passions and develop them over
the years to be able to use them at work.

A 2005 research program by The Science of Happiness

at Work showed that happy employees:
 Spend 2 times more time doing a task
 Have 65% more energy
 Intends to stay on that position for 4 times longer
than unhappy employees.
 Unhappy workers

On the other hand, there are many people who

work on an unwanted job just for money.
Unfortunately, their number is very high.

A survey by Gallup in 2013 in 143 states, with

about 180 million employees, showed that only
13% of employees are happy at work worldwide.
Taking first steps
You do not have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step and try to get all the opportunities
that do not come to you directly. Probably, you may not know what is around the corner, but in order
to reach your goals you have to find out what you would like to do everyday and be sure you will never
work a day in your life.
Get what you can from where you can

Payment comes in many different forms like when someone say that you inspire them or when
teachers see their students having success in their domain, or recommendation that help you get further
and further in your career or getting an award at your school that is priceless because that will sit on your
resume for the rest of your life and even after.
Knowledge is not a destination, it is a journey.
In order to discover yourself and how you can improve your skills and knowledge, we have found
some steps to follow, like: Transferring and applying
Learning new skills skills

Creating new opportunities Express yourself and

Do What You Love!
I am also passionate about
journalism. One year ago, I was
in a volunteer team where we
interviewed people whose
business we were interested in.
I would like to find a job in
which to combine agriculture
with journalism, both my
passions. For example, to work
for a TV station dedicated to
agriculture, such as Agro TV.

Paul Consultant
Keep the momentum
Recently I catch some interest into Photoshop and after I Google it I understand how to
switch faces and after few photos and hours using it I started to understand the mechanics of
the program and got better and better and I noticed that hours past like minutes when you do
what interest you.
I am not very sure about what I will be, but I know two things for sure:
 My job will be in agriculture.
 My goal is to have the opportunity to travel around the world.
But why not combine both of them?
In conclusion, we agree with Confucius‘s
quote and we strongly believe that you will
not work a day in your life if you do what you
We advise you to never give up on your
passions and continually look for them.

It does not matter how much time you do

what you do or what others say, all that
matters is who you are.

Start finding
you happiness
right now !

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