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Bagus Priambodo, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.

Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang
Class Reptilia
Order Testudines (Chelonia): Turtles

• They are enclosed in shells consisting of a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron.
• The shell is composed of two layers: an outer layer of keratin and an inner layer of
• Unique among vertebrates, turtle limbs and limb girdles are located inside the ribs!
• Lacking teeth, a turtle’s jaw is provided with tough, keratinized plates for gripping
Turtle, Tortoise, and Terrapin
• A turtle’s brain, like that of other reptiles, is small, never exceeding
1% of body weight
• Turtles have a middle and an inner ear, but perception of sound is
• Compensating for poor hearing are a good sense of smell, acute
vision, and color perception evidently as good as that of humans

• Turtles are oviparous

• Fertilization is internal and all
turtles, even marine forms,
bury their shelled, amniotic
eggs in the ground
• In turtles, low temperatures
during incubation produce
males and high temperatures
produce females
Their low metabolism probably
explains their longevity, for some
are believed to live more than 150
Order Squamata: Lizards and Snakes
Suborder Sauria : Lizards
Suborder Serpentes: Snakes
Suborder Sauria : Lizards
Lizards are an extremely diverse group, including terrestrial, burrowing, aquatic,
arboreal, and aerial members.
iguanids (Iguanidae) skinks (Scincidae)
Geckos (Gekkonidae)
Suborder Sauria : Lizards
chameleons (Chamaeleonidae),
monitors (Varanidae)
Suborder Serpentes: Snakes
• the highly kinetic skull and feeding
apparatus of snakes, which enable them
to eat prey several times their own
• Most snakes have relatively poor vision
• Snakes have no external ears or
tympanic membrane, but snakes do
have internal ears, and recent work has
shown quite clearly that within a limited
range of low frequencies
• Jacobson’s organs (vomeronasal
Jacobson’s working steps:
• The forked tongue,
• flicking through the air,
• picks up scent molecules
and conveys them to the
• the tongue is then drawn
past Jacobson’s organs.
• Information is then
transmitted to the brain
where scents are identified
Locomotion of snake
lateral undulation  Movement
follows an S-shaped path
Concertina movement  enables
a snake to move in a narrow
rectilinear movement  To
advance in a straight line, as when
stalking prey, many heavy-bodied
Side-winding  enables desert
vipers to move with surprising
speed across loose, sandy surfaces
with minimum surface contact
pit vipers
they possess special heat-sensitive pit organs (loreal pits)
on their heads, located between their nostrils and eyes
Most of Reptiles do have a Hemipenis
Order Crocodilia: Crocodiles and Alligators
• All crocodilians have an elongate, robust, well-reinforced skull and massive
jaw musculature arranged to provide a wide gape and rapid, powerful
• Crocodilians also share with birds and mammals a four-chambered heart
with completely divided atria and ventricles.
Crocodile Vs Alligator
• As with many turtles and some lizards, incubation temperature
of the eggs determines sex ratio of the offspring.
• However, unlike turtles low nest temperatures produce only
females, whereas high nest temperatures produce only
• Usually 20 to 50 eggs are laid in a mass of dead vegetation or
buried in the sand and guarded by the mother

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