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Arthritis and Other Joint


Mponda B.
Arthritis Types
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
 OsteoArthritis
 Infectious (Septic) Arthritis
Other Joint Conditions
 Gout
 Pseudogout
 Torn/Strained Ligaments
 Torn Cartilage
 Tendinitis
 Bursitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Description:
 Inflames Synovial Membranes in joint
 Abnormal Immune System Activity
 Synovial Tissue Thickens
 Causes ongoing inflammation and cartilage
Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Symptoms: Pain, stiffness, swelling in
joints of hands, wrists, elbows, feet,
ankles, knees, and neck
 Diagnosis: joint examination, medical
history, several tests
 Risk Factors: Age, Gender (female),
genetic susceptibility, smoking
Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Treatment:
 Physical Therapy: exercise, heat/cold, massage
 Occupational Therapy
 Biofeedback (to control pain)
 Counselling
 Accupuncture
 Supplements
 Blood Filtering (severe cases)
 Description: Cartilage breakdown in
joints; eventually can cause bone
 Symptoms: pain in joints, limited Range
of Motion, tenderness/swelling,
creaking joints, deformity
 Diagnosis: Physical Exam, X-Rays, Blood
 Risk Factors: Age, Gender (female),
previous joint injuries, obesity, weak
thigh muscles (for knee), contracting
gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or
 Treatment:
 Medications: NSAIDS, Acetomeniphen,
corticosteroids, hyaluron injections
 Surgery: arthroscopy, osteomoty, joint
replacement, hip replacement, arthrodesis
Infectious/Septic Arthritis
 Description: joint inflammation as a
result of an infection by bacteria, virus,
parasites, or fungi; can damage tissue
 Symptoms: joint pain, redness,
swelling, decreased ROM, weight loss,
fatigue, fever/chills
Infectious/Septic Arthritis
 Diagnosis: blood tests, bone scans, X-
Rays, MRI, CT scans, Bone Biopsy
 Risk Factors: weakened immune
system, metal inplants (joints, screws),
diabetes, removed spleen, gonorrhea,
rheumatoid arthritis, immuno-
depressant drugs
Infectious/Septic Arthritis
 Treatment:
 Treat infection: antibiotics, antiviral drugs
 Drain fluid around joint
 Surgery
 Description: High concentration of urate
crystals in blood
 Symptoms: inflammation/tenderness,
pain, redness (usually in the foot)
 Diagnosis: Urine Tests, Blood Tests
 Risk Factors:Excessive alcohol
consumption, High BP, Diabetes, High
cholesterol, Genetics, Age, Gender
 Treatment:
 Medication: NSAIDS, corticosteroids, uric
acid lowering medications
 Adjust diet and alcohol consumption
 Description: Calcium Pyrophosphate
Dihydrate crystals in blood
 Symptoms: inflammation, tenderness,
redness, joint pain
 Diagnosis: X-Rays, Joint fluid analysis
 Risk Factors: Age, Joint trama, Genetic
disorder, Excess iron in blood
 Treatment:
 Medications: NSAIDS, Colchicine
 Joint Aspiration
 Rest
Torn/Strained Ligaments
 Description: Stretched/Torn Ligaments
(ligaments hold bones together in a
 Symptoms: Pain, Swelling. Limited
mobility, Joint instability
 Diagnosis: Physical Exam, X-Rays, MRI
Torn/Strained Ligaments
 Risk Factors: Previous injury, “loose”
 Treatment:
 Rehabilitation
 Medication: NSAIDS
 Surgery
Torn Cartilage
 Description: torn cartilage (cartilage is
the soft tissue between bone ends in a
 Symptoms: instant pain, swelling,
“locked” joint
 Diagnosis: Physical Exam, MRI
Torn Cartilage
 Risk Factors: none known
 Treatment:
 Rehabilitation
 Arthroscopic Surgery
 Invasive Surgery
 Description: inflammation of or
microtears in tendon (tendon connects
muscle to bone)
 Symptoms: gradually increasing pain,
sore to touch, swelling, stiffness
 Diagnosis: Physical Exam, Medical/
Activity History, MRI, X-Rays
 Risk Factors: repetitive tasks
 Treatment:
 Ice/Heat
 “Cho-Pat” Straps
 Surgery
 Description: Swelling of the bursa (fluid
pouch around joint)
 Symptoms: Swell/Pain when pressure
applied, pain, stiffness
 Diagnosis: Physical Exam, Medical
History, Draw Bursa Fluid for testing
 Risk Factors: Repetitive tasks; people
who work on their knees (carpet layers,
roofers, gardeners)
 Treatment:
 Medications: NSAIDS, Corticosteroids
 Ice
 Drain extra fluids
 Surgery

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