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Questions for review by each Act…

1. Why do you think Shakespeare used a scene with three witches to begin this play?
Think about how this beginning might prepare the audience for what is to come, and
make your predictions.
2. Contrast the way Banquo and Macbeth react to the witches.
3. Describe what kind of man King Duncan is. Do you think he is a good leader? Explain.
4. In your opinion, what is Lady Macbeth’s attitude toward her husband? Give examples
from the text to support your answer.
5. Reread King Duncan’s speech in Act 1, Scene 4, lines 13-24, and discuss why you think
Shakespeare had Duncan say this just before Macbeth enters. Do you agree with King
Duncan that you cannot tell what people are like just by looking at them?
6. List the steps of Lady Macbeth’s plan to kill King Duncan and blame it on someone
else. Next to each step, write possible things that could go wrong.
7. What does Macbeth credit with giving him the courage to do the deed?
1. What is significant about the dagger in Scene 2?
2. Why does Lady Macbeth faint?
3. Why does Shakespeare begin Scene 1 in Act 2 with Banquo and Fleance? Decide
what purpose this scene serves dramatically.
4. In Act 2, Scene 2, Lady Macbeth says, “The attempt and not the deed” itself will ruin
her and Macbeth. What do you think would happen if the attempt to kill Duncan or the
cover-up failed?
5. What goes wrong with Lady Macbeth’s plan, and how does she fix the situation?
Explain why she needs to correct the error.
6. The killing of King Duncan does not occur onstage. Why do you think Shakespeare
chooses not to show his death?
7. Do you think Macbeth would have gone ahead with the murder of Duncan if his wife
had not encouraged him to do so? Explain your answer.
8. Do you think Macduff believes that Malcom and Donalbain were responsible for the
death of their father? Elaborate on your answer.
1. What is important about Fleance’s escape?
2. What does Macbeth mean when he says “blood will have blood” on
page 146?
3. From the point of view of one of their servants, describe how
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s behaviors have changed since they
have become King and Queen.
4. What does Macbeth’s attitude toward Macduff show about his state
of mind?
5. Do you think Scene 6 is important to the play? Explain why or why
6. What kind of ruler has Macbeth become by the end of Act 3? Find
evidence from the play to support your answer.
1. In Scene 1, why is the witches’ chant given in such detail?
2. In your opinion, is Macbeth wise to put his faith in what he learns from the
witches? Why or why not?
3. Why does Macbeth decide to kill Macduff’s family? Explain what this shows
about Macbeth.
4. How does Malcom test Macduff?
5. Why do you think Shakespeare included the discussion about the King of
England and his special talents in Act 4 Scene 3?
6. Explain your opinion about whether Shakespeare’s use of ghosts and
apparitions is effective in this play?
7. Why do you think Shakespeare chose to write no more scenes between
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth during these last to acts? Explain whether you
think this was a good decision or bad decision.
1. Describe Lady Macbeth’s mental state at the beginning of this act. Does this
come as a surprise or was this a possibility for her character from the
beginning? Explain.
2. In Act 5, Macbeth is trapped in his castle in Dunsinane. Discuss some of the
ways in which this setting enhances the ideas and actions of the play.
3. How does Macbeth receive news of his wife’s death?
4. What is Macbeth’s attitude toward the final battle?
5. How does Macduff reveal Macbeth’s doom?
6. Is there any point in this act in which you feel sympathy for Macbeth? Explain
your answer.
7. Explain how the witches’ prophecies were fulfilled.

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