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External Krista Cabret

and Internal Brittany Adele
Viscera Richard Williams
Renaldo Young Jr.
Frog Taxonomy
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Frog Characteristics
Mode of nutrition: frogs are
omnivorous and Heterotrophic
Symmetry: bilateral symmetry
Structure: Eumetazoan
Habitat- Land and Freshwater
Frog Head
External Viscera
 The external nares are
used to smell
 The tympanum are used to
detect sound vibrations
 it’s bigger in males
than in females
 Cloaca is used for the
excretion of waste and
Internal Viscera of Head
 The tongue is attached at
the front of the mouth, it is
forked and sticky
 The maxillary and vomerine
teeth are used to hold onto
 Internal nares are used for
 Eustachian Tubes help to
stabilize pressure changes
from air to water
 Glottis leads to lungs
 The pharynx leads to the
Frogs have sets of 3 eyelids
• The upper eyelid is a
simple skin fold
• The lower eyelid is a
translucent membrane
that spreads over the
eyeballs’ surface when
the eyeball is retracted
into the eye socket
• The nictitating membrane
protects the frogs eyes
when it’s underwater and
Caption S: The nictitating it can shut the frogs eyes
membrane completely.
 The frogs heart has
3 chambers
-2 atria and 1
 Triangular structure
at the top of the
 It is in a separate
cavity called the
pericardial cavity
Lungs  Underneath
and liver
the heart

 As you know the lungs

are used for breathing,
but gas exchange also
takes place through
the skin which is why
frogs live in moist
 The lungs also detect
vibrations which travel
to the ears to help with
Liver and Gallbladder

 Note that it is a very  Lift the liver the reveal

large structure and the gallbladder, a small
that it has 3 lobes. green sac (looks like a
 The liver secretes bile booger).
which is needed for the  The gallbladder is
digestion of fats. necessary to store bile
Pancreas  The Pancreas is a
thin rubber band
looking structure
connected to the
inner curve of the
stomach .
 The Pancreas
releases enzymes
into the small
intestines to help
break down food.
The spleen of
the frog
destroys and
creates red
blood cells.
 The stomach is
underneath the liver
 Note that the stomach
leads to the small
 Notice the mesentery of
the stomach
 Mesentery is connective
tissue surrounding the
internal organs and
attaching them to the
body wall
 The stomach is the first
major site of digestion
Small Intestines
 The small intestines is
an organ towards the
end of the digestive
tract .
 The small intestines
digest body essentials
to disperse in the
blood stream.
 Essentials are
nutrients, proteins,
minerals, and sugars.
Large Intestine The Large
intestine controls
fluid balance in
the body from
food, and absorbs
moisture from
Urinary Bladder
An empty sac
located at the
lowest part of
the body cavity.
The bladder
stores urine.
Kidneys  The kidneys are
flattened bean shaped
organs, often dark in
 They are located
posterior and dorsal
to all other organs in
its own compartment
(lower back of the
frog, near the spine).
 The kidneys filter
waste from the blood.
Fat Bodies
 Frogs do not store fat in
their skin like humans,
they have fat bodies
 Fat bodies are Spaghetti
shaped structures that
have a bright orange or
yellow color, they are
usually located just on
the inside of the
abdominal wall.
Male and Female Reproductive
Male and female Reproductive Organs

 Two internal testes that
produce sperm to Female
fertilize the eggs.  Ovaries produce eggs.
 Oviducts transport the
eggs from the ovaries
to the uterus.
How to tell the difference between a
female and male frog.
Male Female
 Male frogs are smaller  Female frogs are
then female frogs. usually larger then
 Male frogs usually male frogs.
have black markings  When frogs are
on their arms. mating the female
 Male frogs are usually
frog will always be at
vocal the bottom.
 Males usually have  Female frogs make
larger tympanum. distress calls.

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