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Sonic Concept

The subject seems mainly volumetric and it has

microorganisms surrounding. For the blue cloud part, soft
,fuzzy, and somewhat magical sounds, for example, mild
wind, fire, and soft scratch would suit the best. And for the
surrounding red microorganisms, sounds that have tension
and give a sense of movement will be suitable.
The subject in this image looks much more solid compared to
the previous one but still looks fluffy since it has lights
scattered through its surface. Therefore, sounds from sponge,
cloth, or any soft surface would fit this image.
This image has warmer color temperature overall and the
subject seems to be having quite hard surface glass-like or
slippery, wet, and jelly-like texture. Either sounds from glass
collision or dense liquid would suit this image.

Moreover, all of the three images are capturing micro-scale

subjects so an ambient sound that can represent the
microenvironments such as deep underwater-like sound or
any deep sound effect generated by distorting a certain
sound will amplify the environment.

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