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P O L I C Y O B J E C T I V E : R E F O R M O N N AT I O N A L H E A LT H PKMK Y 2 – April 2020-2021

I N S U R A N C E ( J K N ) T H AT I S I N T E G R AT E D W I T H T H E PKMK has a group of like-minded national - subnational

N AT I O N A L H E A LT H S Y S T E M stakeholder in JKN issues and policy options 12. If this is the expected IO and Outcomes
not clear what activity at the national and
the sub national. Activities below are not sufficient
A list of agreed JKN issues & possible solution is being discussed
9. This should be under activity by relevant selected national and sub national stakeholders and 11. Outcomes need separation:
Who are the participants, key policy makers? What is the purpose of the they agreed to advocate them at the corresponding level of Issue XX being discussed by XX
discussion? Is this part of getting feedbacks and inputs OR help to government (national/sub national)
Research Network agree to XX. But for these IO and O
progress recommendations to achieve outcomes? both needs discussion on what most feasible to achieve

8. We need stakeholder analysis

PKMK conducts series of discussion forums with PKMK and the research network identify
See my note in doc document re. relevant national & sub national stakeholder to topics for advocacy at sub national level
who we meant by stakeholder discuss JKN issues and possible solutions that …
with evidance 10. This perhaps indicator/outputs from engagement with research

6. What evidences? 7. Are we talking about 2 DaSK? Why

Is this related to continuation of the research in Y 1? need 2?
5. Quality policy document? Brief? Report? on what issue? Pls be specific given If this is a continuation, this should not be an output, rather an activity
A DaSK system is established
PKMK has had some recommendations from Y 1 at national and subnational
Update on existing evidence level
A policy document is & gathered new evidences

PKMK and the Research Network

PKMK maintains and expands a
design and develop DaSK for
PKMK prepares the policy research network on JKN issues
national and sub national level
analysis documents
2. Elaborate what maintain means? Same activities for research 4. DaSK – is this a new dashboard?
1. What policy analysis doc is all about? Pls be specific or for advocacy? Through what medium (web binar? Or a continuation of Y 1 activity? What is this for?
What different with Report from Y 1? Discussions? What ‘expands’ means -> additional new Pls explain why national – sub-national? What is the
How Y1 report contributes to this policy analysis (if different)? members? Research network is the same with multistakeholder role of the Research Network in this DaSK
Is there any GESI component in this doc? Any planned network for advocacy? See my note in the doc document. development? Who is going to maintain the DaSK in
analysis? the long run, national – sub national? Where will the
3. This seems more for engagement?
If so, what is the expectation of the engagement? inputs/information for DaSK come from?
Y 1 Outcomes Y 1 Realist Evaluation Research on JKN and Recommendations

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