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Source and Definition :
Collision theory is a theory that was proposed
independently by Max Trautz in 1916 and William Lewis in
According to the theory for a reaction to occur reactant
molecules must collide with each other.
The reaction can only take place when these collisions are
effective collisions
For the reactions to be effective it must fulfill two
1) Energy barrier
2) Orientation barrier
Energy Barrier:
•The energy required for crossing the energy
barrier comes from kinetic energy of reacting
•The minimum energy required by the reactant
molecules to cross energy barrier is Threshold
•The minimum energy over and about average
energy of reactions which must be supplied so
that reactants are able to cross the energy barrier
is  called activation energy
Each reaction has characteristic value of energy of
activation at a given temperature
With low activation energy will proceed faster
then a reaction having ,high activation energy.
Qualitative Explanation :
Temperature dependence of reaction rates is explained by
considering two temperature T1 and T2 where T 2 is greater
than T1. As the temperature increases from T1 to T2 more no.
of molecules have high K.E.
No. of molecules having energies equal to or greater than
Threshold. Energy at temperature T1 are represented by shaded
area a,b,c,d. and at temperature T2 are represented by c,d,e,f.
The relation between rate of reaction and it’s temperature is
determined with the help of Arrhenius equation.
At higher temperature the higher collision rate results in
high kinetic energy which has an effect on activation energy
of reaction and it is given by the relation

#Gas constant=
8.314 J /K/mol

The rate of reaction also

depends on the orientation of
molecules and this factor is
independent of temperature.
If we take a beaker each of cold and hot water
and add sugar cubes to them, we observe that
the sugar cube in the hot water beaker dissolves
faster due to the increased kinetic energy of
the particles.

Cold water Hot water Cold water Hot water

This shows that factors like temperature affect the

rate of reaction in a solution
To explain the different
rate of reactions
Collision Theory was
•The first assumption of collision theory is that the particles
must collide with one another,
•in order to react , Most particles will act like billiard balls
in a game of pool, and when they collide, the bounce off
each other.
•The collision itself is not all that is needed for a reaction to
occur the particles also need to have enough energy,
enough speed, to break and form new bonds ,when they
•The minimum energy required for a reaction to occur is called the
activation energy.
•Some reactions require very little, and some need a lot more to get
•Most reactions will occur faster when the temperature is increased
because temperature is the average kinetic energy of the particles.
With more kinetic energy they will be more likely to have enough
activation energy for the reaction to occur.

•But for some reactions, there is still one more factor orientation.

•Even if the particles collide with sufficient speed, if they aren’t at the
correct angle , a reaction won’t happen.

•In this example of Nitrogen monoxide and ozone, the reaction

didn’t occur because the oxygen
In this collision of the same two molecules,
the nitrogen touches an oxygen and the
reaction occurs, making oxygen and
nitrogen dioxide. The orientation was
correct, so the reaction could occur.
The three key ideas of collision theory
are that particles must collide to react,
they must have sufficient energy to
break and make new bonds and they
must collide with the correct

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