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I M. Ryan Maulana
Siti Nur Aisyah
Haniyatul Huda
Ummi Salamah
Wardatul Aini


Definition of Bioethics
• Bioethics comes from the word bios which means life and
ethos which means moral norms or values.
• Bioethics or medical bioethics is an interdisciplinary study of
the problems caused by developments in biology and medical
science both micromally and macro, present and future
(Bartens, 2001).
• In Indonesia, bioethics has only been developing for the last
decade, spearheaded by the ethical development center of
Atma Jaya University, Jakarta.
Consept of Bioethics
• Respect for autonomy
• Justice
• Beneficial
• Non-maleficent
• The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR)
contains 13 articles on the principles of bioethics, which are the
interconnection between humanity and other forms of life.
• Human Dignity and Human Rights (Human Dignity and Human Rights)
Benefits and Harms Autonomy and Individual Responsibility (Autonomy
and Individual Responsibility) Consent People who do not have the
capacity for approval (Person without capacity to Consent) Respect for
Human Vulnerability and Personal Integrity (Respect for Human
Vulnerability and Personal Integrity) Privacy and Confidentiality Non
Discrimination and Stigmatization (Non Discrimination and non
Stigmatization) Respect for Cultural Diversity and pluralism (Respect for
Cultural Diversity and Pluralisms) Solidarity and Cooperation (Solidarity
and Cooperation) Social responsibility and health Protecting Future
Generations Protecting the Environment, Biosphere and Biodiversity
(Protection of Environment, Biosphere and Biodiversity) The Importance
of Bioethics for Research and Development of Biosciences
Defenition of Morals
• Moral or morality comes from the Latin words mos (singular),
mores (plural), and the moralist words plural forms mores have
the meaning of habit, behavior, decency.
• In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word moral means
to have two meanings. First, the teachings about good and bad
that are generally accepted about actions, attitudes, obligations,
and so on; and second, the mental state of someone who makes
someone do an action or the contents of the heart / state of feeling
expressed through the action.
• Moral refers to morals in accordance with social regulations, or
concerning laws or customs that govern behavior. (Chaplin, 2006)
• Moral is something that is related or has to do with the ability to
determine right and wrong and good and bad behavior. (Wantah,
Concept of Morals
• According to Muhammad Iqbal morality is motivated by the
moral collapse of Muslims in India, the loss of self-esteem of
Muslims because of imperialism and Western capitalism
against Islam.
• The moral concept of Iqbal places God as the Absolute Ego
which encompasses everything, which is creative and dynamic,
because there is nothing to limit it He is Almighty and moves
forward in its perfection.

The moral concept of Muhammad Iqbal is included in the type
of moral concept of deontology, that is if the good will is the
will that has the good nature of itself.
Defenition of Religion
• Religion is a process of human connection that is felt in
something that he believes in, that something is higher
than man. Daradjat (2005)
• Religion is a teaching passed down by the Lord for
instruction for people in living life. Bustanuddin Agus.
Agama dalam Kehidupan Manusia :Pengantar
Antropologi Agama. (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grapindo
Persada: 2006)
• religion is about beliefs (norms) and rituals held by a
community. (o 'dea 1966: 2)
Concept of Religion
• 1. Recognition of man's connection to occult powers must be
• 2. An acknowledgment of the supernatural powers that rule man
• 3. Bind yourself to a life form that contains recognition in a source
outside of man and that influences the actions of man.
• 4. A system of conduct stemmed from occult powers.
• 5. Belief in a supernatural force that spawns a certain way of life.
• 6. Recognition of obligations ascribed to occult powers.
• 7. Veneration of occult powers arising from a weakened and fearful
force of mysterious forces in the natural world around humans.
• 8. The teachings that the Lord revealed to man through an apostle.
Defenition of Philosophy
• Plato (427 S.M - 348 S.M) "philosophy is science that is
interested in achieving original truth.
• Aristotle (382 S.M-322 S.M) "philosophy is science which
includes the truth contained in the sciences of metaphysics,
logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics and aesthetics.
• Al Farabi (870 AD - 950 AD) "Philosophy is the science of
nature and how it really is.
• Descartes (1590 AD - 1650 AD) "philosophy is a collection of
all knowledge in which God, nature and humans are the
subject of inquiry
• Immanuel Kant (1724 AD - 1804 AD) "philosophy is the science that
is the main and the base of all knowledge that is covered in several
issues: -What can we know? (metaphysics) -What should we do?
(ethics) -Where are our hopes? (religion) -What are humans called?
• I.R poedjaeijatna states "philosophy is the science that seeks the
deepest cause for everything that exists and that might exist"
• W.M Bakker SY. Stating "philosophy is rational reflection (fikr, vows,
ma'rifat, ra'y) or the whole situation to achieve the essence and gain
• Hasbulloh Bakry states: "Philosophy is a science that investigates,
everything that is profound about God, the universe and humans so as
to produce knowledge about how its essence as far as can be achieved
by humans and how human attitudes should be after achieving that
Concept of Philosophy
• Based on the opinion of Sidi Gazalba, said
that philosophy comes from the results of
radical, systematic, and universal thinking
• Depdikbud, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka,
1989), hal.592
• Gagasan Manusia Otentik dalam Eksistensialisme Religius Muhammad
Iqbal,Yogyakarta:IDEA Press, 200
• Gazalba, Sidi. 1973. Sistematika Filsafat. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
• Gunawan Setiardja, Dialektika Hukum dan Moral dalam Membangun
Masyarakat Indonesia, (Yogyakarta:kanisius 1990), hal.90
• Gunawan Setiardja, Dialektika Hukum dan Moral dalam Membangun
Masyarakat Indonesia,hal.91
• Lubis, Fadhil N. A. 2015. Pengantar Filsafat Umum. Medan: Perdana
• Rachmat Djatnika, Sistem Ethika Islam (Akhlak Mulia), (Jakarta:
Pustaka Panjimas, 1996), hal.26
• Samsuri, Konsep Ego Dalam Pemikiran Iqbal, Skripsi thesis UIN
Sunan(Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 2008.)
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