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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI)

• Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence
processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes
include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the
information), reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite
conclusions) and self-correction.

How do I create an AI?
• here are essentially three main steps to start programming AI.
1.Learn to program: learning programming in the Python language.
This is the simplest to get you started as their is a large amount of
libraries for python you can use for functions and data libraries.
2.Play around with Bots: Create a bot using the Python Bots.
3.Machine learning course: The final step is doing a program to learn
about machine learning
Organization - Marketing
• In today’s customer-driven market complexities involved in decision
making is increasing every day. This includes understanding customer
needs and desires and aligning products to those needs and desires. A
handle on changing customer behavior is vital to make the best
marketing decisions. 
• AI simulation and modeling techniques provide reliable insight into
the consumers’ persona. This will help predict consumers’ behavior.
Through real-time data gathering, trend analysis and forecasting, an
AI system can help businesses make insightful marketing decisions.
Organization - CRM

• Organizations can identify a consumer’s lifetime value with the help of

AI’s buyer persona modeling. It can help organizations manage
multiple inputs. During a complex decision-making process, AI can
efficiently manage and control different factors at the same point in
time. It can source and process large amounts of data within minutes
while providing valuable business-based insights. While we humans
face decision fatigue, algorithms do not have such limitations, which
make AI-based decisions faster and better.
Organization - Recommender
• Recommender system (engine) is a technology that recommends
products or other items to users. Although recommendation systems
were initially used for music content sites, now it’s used has expanded
to various industries. In this, an AI system learns a consumer’s
preference based on ‘explicit’ or ‘implicit’ feedbacks. This information
can help the organization reduce bounce rate and craft better
customer-specific targeted content. 
Organization - Problem Solving 
• An expert system is a kind of problem-solving software which tries to
replicate the knowledge and reasoning methods of the experts. This
system uses expert thinking processes to provide data, which includes
assessment and recommendations for your problem. This makes it
easier to make the right decision and respond swiftly when faced with
issues and problems.
Organization - Opinion Mining
• AI has been able to provide reliable insight to decision-makers. For example,
in marketing, AI has provided businesses invaluable insight about consumers,
which helps them enhance their communication with the consumers. It also
helps retailers predict product demand and respond to it quickly. 
• To that end, opinion mining helps businesses understand why people feel the
way they feel. Most often a single customer’s concerns might be common
among others. When sufficient opinions are gathered and analyzed correctly,
the information gleaned will help organizations gauge and predict the
concerns of the silent majority.  AI has improved this mining process through
automation, which is quicker and more reliable, helping organizations in
making critical business decisions. 
AI in the Industry
Facebook & AI
• Face detection: when you upload a photo, facebook uses computer vision algorithms
such as deep learning to detect faces.
• Automatic tagging in pictures: once the faces are detected, another system (such as
DeepFace) will search for similarities and automatically tag your friends
• Recommend new pages and friends: a recommendation engine is used to recommence
new friends based on you interests, your friends, your locations, pages you like, and
other information
• Fake news detection: Facebook announced lately that it’s working on an algorithm to
automatically detect and remove fake news from the social media
• Text analysis: when you’re talking with a chat bot, an algorithm parse your text trying to
recognize what you just wrote, and detect the global meaning of the sentence
• Translation: using AI to translate a text from Spanish to English for example
• a well known AI once said 'humanity is the awkward stage between
animal and machine" -netjester

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