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Tagoe lorretta
BACS 20534
Facebook:Tagoe Lorretta

Tagoe Lorretta is my name, am eighteen years of age and a student of the Ghana
institute of journalism studying journalism .im the first born in the family of four, I
reside at kasoa but hails from soalabi{Accra}.I'm a GA by paternity, I eat anything and
enjoys movies at my leisure time.
I attended Vicar Trust Foundation School at the junior
high school level and continued to Awudome senior high school and transferred to Zion
high school and then furthered my education to Ghana Institute Of Journalism.
Am an introvert, and sanguine by temperament, I
like to keep things to myself and a “no nonsense” person.
I studied communication basically because am naturally curious and like to explore to
the button of issues, and also with most communication positions travelling overseas is
assured, writing stories also excites me. I derive pleasure from getting to the button of
someone's story.
I choose Ghana Institute Of Journalism because it’s the only premium
and government university in the country offering journalism as it major cause , and
also because I believe the institute have the necessary equipment an tutors to help me
practice journalism as expected of me.

Am probably left with two and a half years to halt my education in Ghana Institute Of
Journalism. I intend to further my education in masters in communication before
practicing journalism as an occupation

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