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Infomatrik CD

Dosen Pengampu:

Prof. Dr. Sulistyo Basuki, M.A., M.SLS., Ph.D.


Indah Nofitasari 13040120140127

Kelas CD



Nama : Indah Nofitasari
NIM : 13040120140127


My name is Indah Nofitasari, but people usually call me Indah. I was born on August 17,
2002, in Jakarta.My father’s name is Warnoto. He is an entrepreneur, and my mother’s name
is Eva Riaturrohmi. She is a housewife. I am the eldest of three children. I have two younger
brothers. The first is Muhammad Fattan Syafieq, who is currently 15 years old and studying
in the 3rd grade of junior high school. while the last one is named Fata Maulana Muazam,
who is currently 5 years old.

My education started when I was 5 years old. At that time I was studying at the kindergarten
level, namely at Al-Ikhlas Sorkam Kindergarten. Studying for a year resulted in more or less
significant changes, one of which was the ability to read.Maybe if you look at it at this time,
it was the easiest part, but at that time, being able to read was one of the things I was most
grateful for. At that time, I often participated in competitions and won several dance

After studying for 1 year in kindergarten, my education continued in elementary school,

which was right when I was 6 years old. I go to elementary school at SDN 07, Pagi
Penggilingan. During that time, I started to learn a lot and like new things. One of the things
that I really liked at that time was singing, which later became my hobby to this day.
Listening to songs and learning the lyrics that are sung are the main attractions for me. Not
only in the non-academic field, but of course at that time I began to find subjects that I liked,
one of which was mathematics. I think mathematics is a very challenging subject and can
bring a sense of pride when we are able to solve the problems given.

Six years of studying at the elementary level turned out to bring out a lot of potential in
myself that I had never known before. My education did not stop at that time but continued to
the next level, namely junior high school at SMPN 236 Jakarta. Obtaining a higher education
than previously provides many new challenges and wider relationships, as well as many new
things.At this level, I began to know that my favorite academic field was in the social field,
not the scientific field. At this level, I also began to explore things related to social science
and began to prepare myself for a higher level. At the time, I was involved in several
extracurricular activities, including the youth red cross and marching band, with a focus on

After three years of studying at SMPN 236 in Jakarta, I continued my education at the upper
secondary level, namely at SMAN 12 in Jakarta, by taking a specialization in the social field.
As I said earlier, the social sciences are a field that I like. At this level, too, a great deal of
new knowledge, as well as new experiences, is gained.Having wider friendships also made
me start to dare to take part in other activities. My hobby is singing, so I channeled that
hobby into an extracurricular, namely a choir with a specialization in the alto voice. At that
time, I really liked the activity and really enjoyed the various exercises given because I felt it
was something new. Ending my education at level 3 in 2020 made me unable to feel
graduation like before. All activities seem to stop and are diverted into the network, or we
call it learning from home.

But the pandemic did not stop my desire to continue my education to the next level. When I
was 15 years old, I had the desire to complete my education until I got my bachelor's degree.
Being the first daughter certainly has its own burdens, and this gives me motivation to never
give up and never stop until I can make my family happy. I took many steps to get an
education at this high level. starting with following the SNMPTN but failing, then proceeding
to the SBMPTN stage and still failing. After failing twice, I gave up and became pessimistic
about my own abilities.Until finally, I tried the independent path at three universities: the first
was Jakarta State University, where I took the Elementary School Teacher Education study
program but was not accepted, then I tried the independent path at Semarang State
University, where I took Office Administration Science and was accepted, but at the same
time At the same time, I also received good news from Diponegoro University that I was also
accepted into the Library Science study program.

Finally, I pursued higher education at the University of Diponegoro, where I studied Library
Science. It was also at this level that I started to join an organization at the university level,
namely UKM Peduli Sosial; working in social and community service fields gave me its own
meaning and made me like it. Aspiring to work in one of the companies that I have dreamed
of for a long time is one of the keys that I will pursue, and I will never give up on achieving
these goals.

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