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Hebron University

Department of English Language

Linguistics II
Intonation (241-246)
Lecture 7
Dr: Ibrahim Al Sabateen

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Definition of Intonation

 It can be defined as the distinctive use of pitch or melody.

Pitch: refers to the rate of vibration of the local cords.

It can be defined as the rise and fall of the voice in speaking.

Intonation, in phonetics, the melodic pattern of an utterance. Intonation is primarily a

matter of variation in the pitch level of the voice.

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What are the purposes of intonation?

There are three main purposes:

 1-It can be used as a signal of grammatical structure , where it has a role

similar to punctuation in writing.

 2-It can be used as to show grammatical contrasts the difference

between question and statements.

 3-I t can be used to convey the attitude of the speaker.

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Intonation and Stress

Intonation is very closely related to stress.

‘John came here.(emphasis on John)
John ‘came here.(emphasis on came)
John came ‘here.(emphasis on here)
Intonation is different. The rise and fall of the voice during speech convey a
different type of meaning from stress.
In the example above, the sentence is said with a rising pitch is a question.

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 John came here. Rising pitch

 John came here. Falling pitch

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1- How does intonation differ from stress?

2- What are the main purposes of intonation?

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Intonation Patterns

The most common English intonation patterns.

1-Falling Intonational Pattern.

2-Rising Intonational Pattern.

3-Falling-Rising Intonational Pattern.

4-Rising-Falling Intonational Pattern.

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Falling Intonational Pattern.

 This pattern is marked with a fall of the voice from a high pitch to a
relatively very low pitch.
1-Short sentences.
Example: I like coffee. John is a journalist.
2-Wh Questions.
Example: What is your name?
Example: Sit.
4-Question Tag.
Example: You like coffee , don’t you?

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Rising Intonational Pattern
 This pattern is marked by a rise in the voice from a very low pitch to a
relatively very high pitch.
1-Statements intended to encourage the listener.
Example: Come on , you can make it.
2-Yes-no questions.
Example : Do you like coffee?
3-Questions showing sympathy.
Example : What are you going to do?
4-Questions tag(When the speaker expect a negative reply.)
Example: You liked that movie , didn’t you?
5-Incomplete sentences(When the speaker intends to continue.)
Example: When I went out…………………
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Falling-Rising Intonational Pattern

 This pattern is marked by a fall in the voice from a high pitch to a very low one ,and
then a rise from the low pitch to a very high one again.
1- Correcting people.
Example: You surely want the briefcase for you.
Oh no . It’s for my son.
2-Showing differences of opinion.
Example: This is a cheap watch.
Oh no . It’s very expensive.
3-Implying something else.
Example: The worker left angrily.(The speaker implies that the worker may not turn up the
next day.)
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Rising-Falling Intonational Pattern

 This pattern is marked by a rise from a low pitch to a high one and then fall from
a very high pitch to a low one.

Note : This pattern is less common than the previous ones.

1-We use it to express certainty as opposed to doubt.

Example : His name is Ali.(If I am certain about the person’s name)

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1-What are the main intonational patterns?

2-In what communicative context is each used?

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Linking /r/

 In Received Pronunciation (RP),the sound /r/ only occurs before vowels ,

never before consonants.
Learn / lein /

Sort / so:t /

Farm / fa:m /

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In Received Pronunciation (RP),the sound /r/ only occurs if it is
immediately followed by a word beginning wit a vowel sound.
1- never /nevə /

2- never again /nevər əgen/

/r/ the linking /r/

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1- better of / /

2-here it is / /

3-four or five / /

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1- better of / betə rof /

2-here it is / hi əritiz /

3-four or five / fo:ro:faiv /

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Thanks for Listening
Stay Home. Stay Safe

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