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Let’s become responsible netizens

• The word netiquette is a combination of 'net' (from
internet) and 'etiquette'. It means respecting other
users' views and displaying common courtesy when
posting your views to online discussion groups.
• In personal relationships the conventions of
behavior are called etiquette
• We must follow netiquette- a set of rules for
whatever you post online or write in an email. It has
evolved from experience

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Never think you’re talking to a computer!

 There’s a real live person at the other end.

 So, consider the wording, style and tone of
your message.

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Ensure you follow the rules of good writing

 Just as a business letter is an ambassador for

your company, so is your e-mail.
 Don’t allow the speed and ease of e-mail to
make your messages abrupt, abbreviated and
 Write your messages with utmost care!

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Take off the caps lock. DON’T SHOUT!

 Though you want to get noticed, please do not

use capitals in e-mails- it is like shouting, it is
rude and usually be counter productive.
‘ !!!! ????’

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Question your subject heading

 People are most likely to read important-

looking e-mails first.
 Give your messages a clear and specific
subject heading.

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

KISS-Keep it simple & short!

 The shorter your messages, the better

readability and comprehension
 But do not make them too short and abrupt
 Brevity should not be at the cost of clarity

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Use numbers or bullets

 Present your messages attractively. Use

numbers, bullets or sub-headings if possible-
this will bring clarity in your messages

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Take pride in your finished messages

 Ensure your message is accurate, brief and

clear as well as attractively presented

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Ensure everything is right before hitting

 You can not call an e-mail back for second

thoughts, so get it right first time!

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

 Write a SMART subject line after you’ve written your
Include an appropriate greeting and closing section
Use modern business language and simple sentences
instead of old-fashioned, long-winded writing
Never use ALL CAPITALS for any part of your message
Learn the importance of structuring your messages

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

Write as if you are having a conversation with the recipient
Consider the other person’s feelings and make sure you use
appropriate tone
Format messages attractively, using full words, full
sentences and with a space between each paragraph
Use e-mail as a tool to enhance communication – not as a
replacement for communication
If an e-mail exchange is getting rather long or complicated,
it may be more effective to pick up the phone

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

• Model Business Letters, Emails and other
Business Documents – Shirley Taylor, 7th
Edition- Pearson (2012)

Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli

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