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Plants Have A Hierarchical Organization

Tanaman Memiliki Organisasi Hierarkis Tumbuhan

Pujha Alencia
Noun Article
Plants, like most animals, are composed of organs,
tissues, and cells.

seperti kebanyakan hewan, terdiri atas organ,

jaringan, dan sel.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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An organ consists of several types of tissues that
together carry out particular functions.

Organ terdiri dari beberapa jenis jaringan yang

bersama-sama menjalankan fungsi tertentu.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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A tissue is a group of cells, consisting of one or more
cell types that together perform a specialized
Jaringan adalah sekelompok sel, yang terdiri dari satu
atau lebih jenis sel yang bersama-sama melakukan
fungsi khusus.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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In looking at the hierarchy of plant organs, tissues,
and cells, we begin with plant organs because they are
the most familiar plant structures.

Dalam melihat hierarki organ tanaman, jaringan, dan

sel, kita mulai dengan organ tanaman karena
merupakan struktur tanaman yang paling dikenal.
Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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Most plants also undergo growth relating to sexual

Sebagian besar tanaman juga mengalami

pertumbuhan yang berkaitan dengan reproduksi

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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In angiosperms, reproductive growth is associated
with the production of flowers.

Dalam angiospermae, pertumbuhan reproduksi

dikaitkan dengan produksi bunga.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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The basic morphology of vascular plants reflects their
evolutionary history as terrestrial organisms that inhabit and
draw resources from two very different environments below
the ground and above the ground.
Morfologi dasar tanaman vaskular mencerminkan sejarah
evolusi mereka sebagai organisme darat yang menghuni dan
menarik sumber daya dari dua lingkungan yang sangat berbeda
di bawah tanah dan di atas tanah.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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They must absorb water and minerals from below the
ground surface and CO2 and light from above the
ground surface.

Mereka harus menyerap air dan mineral dari bawah

permukaan tanah dan CO2 serta cahaya dari atas
permukaan tanah.
Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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The ability to acquire these resources efficiently is
traceable to the evolution of roots, stems, and leaves
as the three basic organs.
Kemampuan untuk memperoleh sumber daya ini
secara efisien dapat dilacak pada evolusi akar, batang,
dan daun sebagai tiga organ dasar.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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These organs form a root system and a shoot system,
the latter consisting of stems and leaves.

Organ-organ ini membentuk sistem akar dan sistem

pucuk, yang terakhir terdiri dari batang dan daun.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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Vascular plants, with few exceptions, rely on both
systems for survival.

Tumbuhan vaskular, dengan sedikit pengecualian,

bergantung pada kedua sistem untuk bertahan hidup.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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Roots are almost never photosynthetic; they starve unless photosynthates,
the sugars and the other carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis,
are imported from the shoot system. Conversely, the shoot system depends
on the water and minerals that roots absorb from the soil.

Akar hampir tidak pernah fotosintesis; mereka kelaparan kecuali fotosintat,

gula dan karbohidrat lain yang dihasilkan selama fotosintesis, diimpor dari
sistem pemotretan. Sebaliknya, sistem pucuk tergantung pada air dan
mineral yang diserap akar dari tanah.

Noun Verb Pronoun Modals

Adverb Tenses: Simple Present Gerund

Adjective Conjuncti Prepositi

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