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Future Simple

active/passive Voices

Subject Teacher: Tahira Ali
Zoom Cloud

Subject + will future form of the verb to be

+ Past Participle (3rd form of verbs)

Charles will write a book.
A book will be written by Charles.

Charles will clean the windows.

The windows will be cleaned by Charles.

I will write a book. A book will be written by me

You will write a book. A book will be written by you

He will write a book. A book will be written by him

We will write a book. A book will be written by us.

You will write a book.
A book will be written by you
They will write a
A book will be written by
book. them
The dog will chew the bone.

Circle the subject in this sentence.

The dog will chew the bone.

That’s right – the dog is the subject in this

The dog will chew the bone.

Now, find the verb and put a circle around it.

The dog will actively chew the
So this is an


How could we change this sentence in passive

The bone will be chewed
by the dog.

How have we changed this sentence around?

The bone will be chewed by the dog.

This is a sentence.
The subject-the bone is not doing
anything, it is ‘passively’ having
something done to it. It is being
The mother will not bake muffins.

Now circle the subject in this sentence.

The mother will not bake muffins.

The mother is now the subject of this sentence.

While it is a negative sentence.
The mother will not bake muffins.

Change this sentence in passive voice?

Draw a rectangle around the verb.
The muffins will not be baked by the

Did you get it right?

Will not+be+past participle
Is this sentence active or

Will Sarah draw a picture?

Will Sarah draw a picture?

That’s right! This sentence is active.

Sarah is actively drawing the picture.
Will a picture be drawn by Sarah?

Well done! This sentence is passive. The subject

of the sentence is a picture. The picture had
something done to it – Sarah will be drawn it!
Solve the attached practice
sheet and fill the gaps with
passive form.
Create five active sentences
and change them into passive
sentences in your notebook.

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