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Another Crazy

Challenge for
Quarantine Days

Carlos Garcia (Cohort #10)

The days of quarantine have been one of the most
boring things I have had in my life, because in my
regular life I am a person who carries out different
activities outside my home.

How can I make this quarantine period more

“Training challenge for 30 days”
It’s a basic training, to strengthen my body,
improve my endurance and agility.

This guy is Saitama is

like Goku or Superman
but hairless
Please Follow the Framework

**This challenge is for 30 days = * 30 minutes for Day = 5 exercises

Physical warming
(very important to avoid injury) 5. ABS 1 min

1. Jogging 20 min

2. Chest pushups 3. squats 20 4. Frog jumps

20 repetitions repetitions 20 repetitions
1- Kill boredom (Mandatory)
2- Improve health
3- Create a healthy habit
4- Strengthen discipline and will
5- Have fun
follow me for more
crazy tips


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