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FITT PRO Workout Schedule

Sarah Taylor
Dr. S
Purdue University Global

FITT PRO Workout Schedule

Self-Assessment FITT:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Aerobic 35 mins. 20 mins. 20 mins. 20 mins. 20 mins. 20 35 mins.
Activity mins.
Muscle 20mins. 20 mins. 20 mins. 20 mins.
Flexibility 30 mins. 30 mins. 30 mins. 30 mins. 30 mins. 30

The aerobic activity amounts to approximately 170 minutes. Sunday and Saturday are

gym days. On these days I will be on the elliptical for 15 minutes not including cool down

and, 20 minutes on the treadmill, not including cool down. I will use the cardio function for

both with the heartrate set to 149, the resistance and the incline will increase as needed

respectfully to maintain the heartrate. Max heartrate in this case is 220 – 31 = 189. Keeping

the heartrate at 149 is 79% equaling out to the moderate zone. For 20-30 minutes (weather

permitting) Monday-Friday I will be walking the dogs in the evening. I plan to keep a steady

pace, but exact heartrate will vary. The muscle strengthening activity amounts to

approximately 80 minutes. On Sunday and Saturday at the gym I will be doing leg curls

(15lbs) and leg lifts (45lbs) each 20 reps with 3 sets. I will also be doing

arms/chest/shoulders on the machine set for chest first 12 reps (15lbs) with 4 sets and

shoulders 15 reps (15lbs) 1 set. On Tuesday and Thursday, I will be using body weight at

home. The routine will consist of a 3-minute plank, 4-minute squats (do as many as possible

at a steady up down pace), as many push-ups as possible in a minute. Laying down 20 side

leg lifts each side, 30 second superman, crunches for 3-minutes as many as possible, on your

back legs and arms out straight bring them together for toe touches (grabbing the opposite

side) crunching up the core again as many as you can after the 3-minute crunches. Laying on

the stomach I will do leg lifts 30 each side 2 sets. Flexibility is the most fun. Use YouTube to

complete Yoga sessions. I tend to do this after the kids go to bed. But this can be done any

time of day or broken up to smaller sessions. At night doing a bedtime short yoga and then a

bedtime stretch through YouTube tends to work out great.

Client Assessment for Carl: 

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Aerobic 20 mins. 45 mins 45 mins 45 mins 45 mins 45 20 mins.

Activity mins
Muscle 20 mins. 30 mins 20 mins.
Flexibility 15 mins. 15 mins.

Carl is in average shape now. He does not mind being in the shape he is but needs help

getting in a bit better shape for his sports. On Sunday he goes to the gym with his buddies. Carl

completes 20 minutes on cardio machines. For his muscle strength routine, he needs to “bulk

up”. He can accomplish this through pull-ups, shrugs, and pulldowns for his upper body. For his

shoulders he can complete overhead presses or machine military press. Biceps can be barbell

curls and triceps can be completed with dips, DB overhead extensions, or pushdowns. This will

be a new workout routine, so he needs to test each with his current level. Trying each one with a

certain amount of reps at a starting weight then figuring out how many sets until he finds the

perfect combination. In roughly 6 weeks he can change up what his workout consists of, so he

does not plateau. Carl also needs to muscle strengthen with his new routine on Wednesday and

Saturday when he goes back to the gym. While there on Saturday with his buddies he will do

another round of cardio machines again for 20 minutes. Monday through Friday Carl does 45

minutes of walking to his classes during the day. If he wants to add more walking or go for a run

during the week to help get ready for sports he can. It is not down as a mandatory workout

because he must study during the week. When he decides to add this on, he always needs to

make sure to have his inhaler on him and start out at a pace/distance he can accomplish and build

up by 10% every few times he goes. On Monday and Thursday Carl should work on his

flexibility. The suggestion is starting Yoga, this will help him with flexibility, training his

breathing, and working on his balance. All these things will help him improve and stand out

during games so he can become more of a star player.


IYC. (2021). How to Create a Strength Training Program For Young Athletes.

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