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Unit 9 Assignment

Sarah Taylor


Purdue University Global


Unit 9: Assignment

A spiritual and psychological inventory can be used to determine a current state of

wellness. Once a state of wellness is found a spiritual self-renewal can then be achieved.

“Spiritual self-renewal means relinquishing your old, limited identity and becoming something

more expanded, powerful, and closer to your true self,” (Blair, 2017). There will be ten questions

given at the interview. In the follow assignment the questions will be discussed along with the

findings, how this could help a plan develop, and any changes the inventory may need.

The first question is what does Self-forgiveness mean to you? This is important because

in life mistakes are made. If a person cannot forgive themselves then they will always find

themselves stuck in the valley full of regret and self-loathing instead of climbing up the

preverbal mountaintop. The second question is should people hold on to grudges? Why or why

not? Sometimes it is very hard to let things go. However, forgiveness can lead to “Healthier

relationships, improved mental health, less anxiety, stress and hostility, lower blood pressure,

fewer symptoms of depression, a stronger immune system, improved heart health, improved self-

esteem,” (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2021). The third question is does forgiveness mean things can go

back to “normal”? This is important to look at and understand. This hopefully happens for the

sake of both parties. However, not everyone can move past the grudge or wrongdoing. When this

happens, it is important to worry about how to personally change, move to forgive, or accept the

new “normal”. The fourth question is what does it take to admit to yourself you are wrong? This

is important to understand just what the person is willing to lose. Can they understand they were

wrong before losing out on relationships, job opportunities, etc. The fifth question is what does

self-worth mean to you? Here this question gages just how the person feels about themselves and

what might need to be worked on. The sixth question asks does self-acceptance and acceptance

from others make or break self-confidence or self-esteem? This will help recognize if the person

needs validation from others or if they are confident and set their own trend. The seventh

question is how important is self-worth in personal relationships? This question will give a clue

to how the person sees personal relationships. Are they about two equal partnerships or about

one who relies on the other on a higher level? The eighth question is what brings you the most

passion, fulfillment, and joy? When someone is in a difficult spot in life or a valley, they might

not find joy in a lot of things. This question helps them identify bright spots in their lives. The

next question is how does the world see you and how does this change how you are in life? This

question is important to know what they feel the world see’s their contribution as and how that

decides what they do in life. The last question asks what are three things you are most proud of

yourself for accomplishing? Ending on a good note this question wants to know what good

things have been accomplished and how they are proud of them.

These are the answers from the interview I conducted. Self-Forgiveness to me means not

beating yourself for the mistakes you have made. We are not perfect. If you keep in mind that it

happens even to the best of us, it will pave a way to a peaceful life. You must be ready to face

the consequences of our choices. But in the end, there is no point in worrying about how the bad

choices might turn out to be. It will get in the way of learning from the mistake. No, they should

not. Grudge is like poison. It makes you lose all perspectives of certain aspects of life or even a

person. There are more important things to fill your mind up with than not liking something or

someone forever. No, it does not. If you build a dam to stop a river and then you decide to break

it to let the water go, the river will not be the same. The same goes for forgiveness. Once

someone forgives nothing will be the same unless the person forgiving makes it so. Not saying

that it is impossible, but it would be hard to do because of trust. I do believe in learning from the

forgiveness to make things better so that it does not need forgiveness will not be needed. It does

not take much for me to admit that I am wrong. If I am wrong about something, I will admit it

and take ownership. Sometimes I may joke about it just to ease any tension just to show that

there were not any hard feelings. Self-worth is the same as confidence to me. The more you have

the more success you will have. I, myself, do not think acceptance from others make or break

self-confidence or self-esteem. Self-acceptance is the only thing that will be due to you letting

the acceptance of others affect you and break your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you accept

yourself as you are, your self-confidence and self-esteem will never be broken because others

will not be able to let others bring you down. I was once told that you will have to love yourself

before you can love yourself. Knowing that your self-worth is high, your partner will be able to

feel that and carry their self-worth as high. In turn, it will strengthen the relationship by showing

that there will be nothing or anyone that can come between them and strengthen their bond. If

one feels like they are a burden, then it can cause problems and can hurt the relationship instead.

My passion and fulfillment in life is my strength. Not just physically. My mental strength shows

that I will not let anyone deter me from doing what I want to or need to do. What I need to do is

to provide for my family and make sure my kids have what they need to be better than me in life.

I also need to make sure that my wife can go through the rest of her life as happy as it can be.

They are my joy. The world sees me as a Black man who might be a bad person. I strive to be a

bigger and better man and show my kids that I am more than my skin and that they can be the

same if not better. If I show my kids anything different, they will follow in the same footsteps

due to what they see. I am proud of where my life is going. Other people may not see it, but I am

doing better to provide for my family. I am proud of my experiences. The things that I have gone

through have made me who I am. I am proud of my skills. I would not be able to be where I am

today or where I am going if I did not learn what I know today. These finds show how not only

his mind is incorporated but that physically he gets around to what needs done and does not shy

away from it. Spiritually is tough. He showed a solid spirit and knowing the direction in which

he must go. But from experience does not fully expect equal footing with those in the world that

see him as different. Mind-body-spirit he is even enough and knows who he is and where he

came from.

Some additions that might work out well would be to branch out to religion and how the

person is affected by their religious beliefs or those that they grew up with. Or how religion

effects their personal relationships. Subtractions do not seem to be needed at this time but will be

reconsidered in the future for someone else. “The spiritual assessment allows physicians to

support patients by stressing empathetic listening, documenting spiritual preferences for future

visits, incorporating the precepts of patients' faith traditions into treatment plans, and

encouraging patients to use the resources of their spiritual traditions and communities for overall

wellness,” (Saguil, Phelps, 2012). This means religion if it affects your medical preferences

would be important to ask.


In all, this assessment has shown an individual strong in their convictions and knows

where they are in life. Finding how much they value another’s option will help determine if they

will listen to advice on subjects like health, money, career or fight their way and hope it works

out. The interview is also great to see if they believe in a certain religion and as time goes by and

they do not get any younger the ones around them will know how to help them proceed. For an

initial spiritual inventory, the person answered the questions very well.


Blair, K. (2017). Thrive Global. The 4 Spiritual Laws of Self Renewal.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2021). Adult Health. Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness.


Saguil, A., Phelps, K., (2012). American Family Physician. The Spiritual Assessment.

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