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SEM - 4 SEC – A
Niharika – 015
Sai kumar – 029
Vishal – 038
Greeshma – 039
Humera – 040
What is globalization

 The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and

governments worldwide.
 Considered as a form of capitalist expansion which entails the integration of local
and national economies into a global, unregulated market economy.
 Primarily an economic process of interaction and integration that's associated
with social and cultural aspects.
 Conflicts and diplomacy are also large parts of the history of globalization, and
modern globalization.
Economic globalization

  The process of increasing economic integration between countries, leading to the

emergence of a global marketplace or a single world market.
 Depending on the paradigm, economic globalization can be viewed as either a positive or a
negative phenomenon
 Includes globalization of production, competition, technology, and corporations and
 Global trade in services is also significant. For example, in India, business process
outsourcing has been described as the "primary engine of the country's development over
the next few decades, contributing broadly to GDP growth, employment growth, and poverty
Anti – globalization movement
 Also known as counter – globalization.
 consists of several criticisms of
globalization but, in general, is critical of
the globalization of corporate capitalism.
  Opponents of globalization argue that
there is unequal power and respect in
terms of international trade between the
developed and underdeveloped countries
of the world.
 Groups that make up this movement:
trade unionists, environmentalists,
anarchists, land rights and indigenous
Germany – 2016
rights activists, organizations promoting
human rights and sustainable
development, opponents of privatization
Socio – cultural organization

 Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values

around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
 Marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the
Internet, popular culture media, and international travel.
 There has been both positive and negative impact of globalization on social and
cultural values of India.
 There is increasing interaction between people of different countries. As a result
food habits, dress habits, lifestyle and views are being internationalized
Global workforce
Global workforce refers to the
international labor pool of workers,
those employed by multinational
companies and connected through a
global system
of networking and production, immigrant
workers, transient migrant
workers, telecommuting workers, those
in export-oriented
employment, contingent work or
other precarious employment.
Global inequalities
 International
inequality refers to the idea
of inequality between
countries. This can be
compared to global inequality
which is inequality between
people across countries.
 In terms of  economic,
medical care, living
conditions and education
differences among countries.
Impact of globalization

 Globalization creates greater opportunities for firms in less industrialized

countries to tap into more and larger markets around the world. 
 Businesses located in developing countries have more access to capital flows,
technology, human capital, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. 
 Globalization allows businesses in less industrialized countries to become part of
international production networks and supply chains that are conduits of trade.
 Developed countries become more concentrated on services, research and
Drivers of globalization

 The four main areas of drivers for globalization are market, government; cost and
 These external drivers affect the main conditions for the potential of globalization
across industries, which are mainly uncontrollable by individual firms.
 Market drivers include areas such as common customer needs and transferable
 Government influences with policies leading to reductions in trade barriers and a
shift towards an open market economy.
Evaluation of globalization

 Globalization has increased the trade of products, ideas, technologies etc. and
created the world without boundaries but also had a negative impact on
developing countries.
 Flowing with globalization India is shining in almost every aspect. India is
getting global recognition and slowly moving toward becoming a major
economic and political strength
 Though development is rapid, still many basic problems like rural poverty,
corruption and political instability remains unsolved.

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