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Pet’s Evacuation

during Flood
Members : Radhi, Ravin, Alisha,
Mentors : Ms Vivi, Ms. Sari, Ms
Learns through inquiry
Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the
Central Idea:
Biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdependent
balance of organism within systems.
Lines of inquiry:
- What leads to advances in scientific knowledge and
- The role of technology in scientific understanding
- The effects of scientific advances on people and the

Concepts: Causation, Connection, Responsibility

Related concept: Balanced, biodiversity and interdependent

Learns through inquiry
Prior Knowledge:
PreK –Animals and people interaction
K2: Living things
Many pets were left behind and not evacuated during New
Year eve flood in Jakarta. People should be more caring to
their own pets since it can cause imbalanced of ecosystem.

Al Qur’an Quotes: Surah Hud verse 40

Hingga apabila perintah Kami datang dan dapur telah
memancarkan air, Kami berfirman: "Muatkanlah ke dalam
bahtera itu dari masing-masing binatang sepasang (jantan
dan betina), dan keluargamu kecuali orang yang telah
terdahulu ketetapan terhadapnya dan (muatkan pula)
orang-orang yang beriman". Dan tidak beriman bersama
dengan Nuh itu kecuali sedikit.
IB Profiles and ATL skills
(display of demonstrated ATL and profiles @ max 3, in photos )
We were being inquirers
to make connection of our
topic with SDG (Life on

We were being communicators

by discussing topic and listening
to others perspective

We were applying our

research skills to search
information of how
government support
pets to be evacuated
Peraturan Pemerintah

UU No. 41 Tahun 2014

Pasal 91B
Setiap orang yang menganiaya atau
menyalahgunakan hewan atau menyebabkan hewan
itu cacat atau tidak produktif sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam pasal 66A ayat 1 dipidana dengan Pidana
Kurungan paling singkat 1 bulan dan paling lama 6
bulan dan dena paling sedikit 1 juta dan paling
banyak 5 juta.
How do we
get the data?
Survey to
community and
Jakarta society.

Visit and
observe to
Dinas Kelautan
and Ketahanan
Pangan and
Hewan in
Visiting Dinas Kelautan
dan Ketahanan Pangan
and Pusat Pengayom
Satwa Ragunan

Some stray cats and dogs

We interviewed Kepala
were kept and taken care in
Dinas KPKP Provinsi DKI
Jakarta, Bapak Ir.
Darjamuni, MM
Visiting Dinas Kelautan
dan Ketahanan Pangan
and Pusat Pengayom
Satwa Ragunan
Sets learning goals
and success criteria (

Learning Success criteria

Collect - We can collect information through survey,
information read articles, watch news, interview
from variety of expert, and observation
resources about - We can present the findings using different
the topic methods and strategies
Educate people - We can share information to other about
about how to tips and strategies to evacuate and save
evacuate pets animals from flood
- We can do campaign using different media
(Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp)
Reflects upon and modifies inquiry
The exhibition
always get
We think cancelled due Expres
the ideas to Covid-19 s
are kind Reflectio so the action feeling
n of the is always
hard for learner cancelled. We The feeling
the profiles have to
exhibition The learner planned it of the
because it profile fits using our exhibition
has to be well with our money for the prep is
original topic because, decoration very
and NO- it connect to for an action stressful
plagiarism in the and
the prior
from other auditorium challengin
knowledge but it later
team and caring to g
got cancelled
member animals
ideas Describe
Inquiry Process what
(Generating happened
Considers action on learning:

Participation: Raising
awareness to students
in Al Jabr about how to
evacuate pets when
flood happens through

Advocacy: Initiating,
being part of, campaign
for positive change
through Youtube,
Instagram, Facebook
Poster, Flyer and bookmark
Self- assesses

- We think we did the

exhibition journal
- We improve our
writing on reflection
so people can
understand it We think we should
- We sometimes forget to do more research all
do the homework the time regarding to
- Sometimes the poster the exhibition topic™
has “Grammar-issues™”

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