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De Bonos 6 thinking hats

Reflection of field trip to ipb

White hat (Facts): If there is one level of consumer or producer in the
marine ecosystem goes extinct, the sea will be un-balanced so there will
be either overpopulation or extinction. We also learned that corals & sea
turtles have a strong connection because if one of them is less than the
other, either the consumer will be too much or the producer.
Red Hat (Feeling): When we first entered the lab, we felt like it was
pretty gross because there are different types of corals that were
bleached in the lab and there were other animals as well. When we
proceeded to the next lab, there were a few of sea turtles that were
already dead before they grabbed them & the whole group kind of felt
sorry for them.
Yellow Hat (Benefits): The benefits from our trip to IPB were a lot. We
got more information about the marine ecosystem, we finally decided
what our experiment was going to be & we learned that the adaption of
corals depends in their *habitat*. For example, if the corals live in the
deeper part of the sea, their bodies will be different from the corals that
live in the upper part of the sea.
Black Hat (Caution): We learned there are actually really dangerous
things living in the sea that we have to be careful of. We learned that the
sea was going to be in big trouble if the corals go extinct because there
will be no homes and food for the fishes.
Green Hat (Creativity): We learned to be careful for the dangerous
species that lurks in the sea & what we can do to prevent the corals from
going extinct.

Blue Hat (Process): We took notes about our field trip so we could make
a reflection out of it & when they explained, we recorded the important

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