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A proposal defense presentation on:



By: Guided by:

Sushmita Bhattarai Asst. Lecturer Jyoti Acharya
B.Tech (Food) 3rd batch Tribhuvan University
Outline of the dissertation work

Topic of dissertation A comparative study on nutritional value of yam jandh and rice
Duration of Dissertation January 2019- June2019
Laboratories Laboratories at Nagarik College, Gaidakot

Proposed Supervisor Asst. Lecturer Jyoti Acharya

Estimated expenditure NRs20,000
Objectives To compare yam jandh and rice jandh on the basis of their nutritional
composition using Aspergillus oryzae

Expected Output We expect that nutritional value of yam jandh prepared by pure
culture of Aspergillus oryzae as a starter would be more than
rice jandh
1.1 General Introduction

•Jandh is an indigenous fermented product of

•The word jandh,derived from the mangaranti
•Prepared by solid-substrate fermentation of
starchy cereals like corn, rice, wheat and
•Theoritically,100g of starch could produce
56.79g of ethanol at the maximum yield (Li,et
Introduction continues……

• Dioscorea(yam) root is traditionally eaten on magh

sankranti in Nepal.
•In nepali , it is called tarul and is usually steamed and
then cooked with species.
•Yam is a good source of energy , 100g provides 118
•Yam , the tuber of Dioscorea opposita , is the fourth
major root crop in the world after cassava,potatoes and
sweet potatoes (Chen,Zhu and Wu, 2015).
•It comprised of approximately 75-84% starch.
1.2 Statement of the problem
 Yam being underutilized has its only use in selective vegetables due
to its high starch content.

 During the processing of rice we can see some of the rice seeds are

 In Nepal there is no any indigenous beverage made from pure

culture of microoganism.
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
 The general objective of this research is to study the nutritional
composition of yam jandh and rice jandh using Aspergillus oryzae as
a starter culture.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To commercialized the product.
 To carry out nutritive analysis of yam jandh and rice jandh.
 To make the pure culture indigenous beverage.
1.4 Significance of the study
 From this study, the nutitional value of yam jandh will be
 And for the enrichment of the human dietary through the
development of a wide diversity in flavours, aroma and texture in
food, fermentation of yam to jandh will be beneficial.
1.5 Expected Results
 We expect that the nutritional value of yam jandh will be more than
of rice jandh.

1.6 Limitations
 Due to lack of other varieties yam and rice locally available varieties
of yam & rice will be taken to prepare jandh. A detailed nutritional
analysis may not be possible due to time and resources limitation.
Literature Review
2.1 Jandh
Fermentation of plant material is an ancient preservation method. The
origin of which have been traced to Asia. According to Buckenhu skes
& coworkers, it is generally agreed that fermented plant products are
the “food of the future”(Salovaara, 1998).
Yam is compraised of approx.75 to 84% starch (Wanasundera &
Ravindran, 1994).
The starch quality is expected to be the determinative factor in the
quality of yam food product(Chiu et al., 2013).
There could be possible transformation of carbohydrate to fat
(Lehniger, 1987) while Akindumila and Glat (1998) reported that
certain fungi can produce microbial oil during the course of
Glucoamylase (glucan 1,4- alpha-glucosidase is a key enzyme in rice
wine fermentation, coverting starch directly into glucose.
During the Jandh preparation, due to continues saccharification &
ethanol production, the mash gradually turns limpid.
 Jandh (which contains live yeast & suspended particles) has been
classified by various workres as a category of cereal beer (Rai , 2012).
 In case of making rice wine sake which is similar to nepali rice Jandh,
low amylose milled rice is used because low amylose non waxy rice
soaked at 65 ºC and steamed at 135 ºC gave a maximum yield and
quality comparable to waxy rice steamed a 100ºC (Sanchez et al., 1984)
 Some microorganism during fermentation produced VOCs with
antimicrobial activity. Many of these VOCs are alcohols, aldehydes or
degrade esters which helps to E.coli (Ando et al., 2015).
 The alcohol content of japanease sake is 15-16 % & the alcohol content
of nepali Jandh alcohol content 4-15% (Rai, 2012).
 In Nepal, Jandh is usually prepared by using murcha.
 Nine sample of murcha collected from Nepal were analysed & result
showed they all had a similar population of bacteria, yeast, molds
(Tamang & Sarker, 1988)

 In case of Japanease sake A. oryzae makes various volatile flavour compounds and the
flavour of koji contributes to the flavour of sake. Rice koji, a solid state culture of Aspergillus
oryzae on steamed rice grain, is used as an enzyme source and the quality of koji has been
regarded as a most important factor determining the quality of sake (Ito et al., 2012).

 We have also found by the reports of Balls and Schwimmer that raw granules of wheat, corn
or potato starch can e rapidly and completely converted to fermentable sugar by Aspergillus
oryzae grown on bran.
 Some studies helped us to understand how a fermentation product was made and the
relationship among the microbial diversity, dynamic changes and special characterstics of
which play a prominent role in determining the chemical composition of wine and their
effects on flavour development are of primary importance (Lv et al., 2013) 11
 According to report from National research institution of brewing
(March 2017), there has been a report that found people who drink
alcoholic beverage in appropriate amount have a lower death rate
than those who do not drink at all.
This experiment was done in mice too.According to report of USDA,
2016 the raw yam and rice grain contains following amount of
nutrients, minerals, vitamins &lipids: The nutritional content of yam
and rice grain is mentioned below;


Total lipid(fat)
Fiber,Total dietary
Vitamin B6
Vitamin E

Materials and Methods
3.1 Raw material
The major raw material in this study are yam and broken rice varieties
which will be available in local vegetable shop and grocery of
3.2 chemicals required
The chemicals required that will be used in this research work are aas
a.Hydrochloric acid
b.Nitric acid
c.Pretroleum ether
d. KCL ( potassium chloride)
e.40% sodium acetate
f.Sodium cobalt nitrite solution
g. 12% sulphuric acid
h. Acetone
i. Sodium oxalate
j. Potassium permaganate
k. Molybdate solution, ammonium molybdate
l. Aminonaphthol sulphonic acid solution; 1- amino-2-naphthol-4-
sulphonic acid solution
m. Standard phosphate solution

3.3 instruments and equipments

The instruments and equipments required in this study are as follows;
a) Spectrophotometer
b) Soxhlet apparatus
c) Muffle furnace
d) Kjeldhal apparatus
e) Calorimeter

3.4 methods
The rice and yam is sachharified by molds and fermented by yeasts
during mashing.
3.5 processing of raw materials

Rice jandh Yam jandh
Broken rice Matured yam

Pre-liminary treatment Pre-liminary treatment

Cooking to soft consistency Cooking to soft consistency

Cooling (spreading on tray ) Cooling(spreading on tray )

Inoculation (spores of Inoculation

Packing (loose packs)
Packing (loose packs)
Biomass buildup
Biomass buildup
Packing (tightly) Packing (tighlty)

Fermentation Fermentation

Rice jandh Yam jandh

3.5 Analytical methods

3.5.1 Moisture Determination

The moisture content of flour will be determined by weight loss
during heating in thermostatically controlled hot air oven at 103+- 2C
for about one hour as described in Rangana (2015).

3.5.2 Determination of protein

The crude protein content of the flour sample will be determined by
estimating nitrogen content in the sample by micro kjeldahl method
using the factor 6.25 as described by Rangana (2007).
3.5.3 Determination of fat
The fat content will be determined by using a Soxhlet extraction
apparatus using petroleum ether (boiling point 40-60 C) as a solvent
as described in Rangana (2007).
3.5.4 Determination of crude fiber
The crude fiber content will be determined by following the
procedure as described in Rangana (2007).
3.5.5 Determination of total ash
Ashing of the flour samples was done in muffle furnance at a
temperature not exceeding 525 C for 5-6 h, as described in Ranganna
3.5.6 Determination of carbohydrate
Carbohydrate content will be determined by difference method.
Total Carbohydrate (%) = 100 – (moisture + crude protein + crude fat
+ crude fiber + ash) %
3.5.7 Determination of acid insoluble ash
The ash obtained from muffle is used for the determined by the
following the procedure as described in Ranganna (2007).
Materials and Methods continue………..

3.5.8 Determination of antioxidant acidity

Free radical scavenging activity of the jandh will be measured using
stable radical DPPH according to the method described
(W.BandWilliam et al., 1995)
3.5.9 vitamin analysis
Determination of thiamin, pyridoxine and cyanobalamin
Methods: The tablets of 250mg vitamin B1,250mgvitamin B6 & 1mg
vitamin B12 will betaken.At first we will prepare the stock
solution.Each vitamin will be dissolved in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid &
then dilute with the same solvent in order to obtain 200µg per ml. .And
then we will prepare standard solution & synthetic mixture. Standard
solution will be prepared in 10ml volumetric flask containing 4-20µg
per ml of vitamin B1,B6,B12 & will be diluted to volume by 0.1N
hydrochloric acid & several synthetic ternary mixtures of these vitamins
in different concentration (8-20µg per ml).
After this,preparation of the sample will be carried out.The stated content
per table was vitamin B1:250mg, vitamin B6:250mg, vitamin B12:1mg.
About 354 mg of a homogeneous mixture of the contents of 10 tablet will
be accurately weighed into a 50ml volumetric flask , dissolve in 0.1N
hydrochloric acid & diluted to volume .0.5 ml of this solution will be
diluted to 100ml with the same solvent.

Procedure: The absorbance & second order absorbance spectra will be

recorded in the wave length region 200-400nm. Firstly,the suitable
derivative orders with appropriate ∆lambda & wavelength,where each
vitamin could be analyzed in the presence of the other will be determined.
Then we will measure the signal & using an appropriate calibration graph
at the selected derivative order & wavelength,their concentration will be
calculated.These calibration will be prepared by varying the concentration
of the vitamin in the absence of the other. In order to test the validity of the
proposed method,several synthetic ternary mixtures of vitamin B1,B6 and
B12 in different proportion will be prepared & we will resolve by the
method described.
24 Determination of Niacin or B6
To determine the niacin content,all spectrophotometric measurement
will be carried out using a UV-1800shidmazu & 752w-uv-visible
grating spectrophotometer with a silica glass cell of 1cm thickness.
All the chemical that will be used are of analytical grade. 2,3-
dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone(98% purity) will be used.

Procedure: We will transfer the serial volumes of 0.02 ,0.06 to 0.56ml

in 0.04 step of the standard niacin (0.001g per ml) solution
equivalent to ranges of concentration ( 5.0-130µg per ml) into
different test tubes. We will add 0.2ml of buffer into the set up &
will add 2ml of methanol. We will add equal volumes of DDQ
(0.001g per ml) solution in methanol according to the stoichiometric
ratio of the drug &reagent .We will mix the content & allow standing
for 70 min at 60 degree centigrade before analysis at 464nm against
a methanol blank.
Materials and Methods continue………..

3.5.10 Mineral analysis Determination iron
Iron content in the sample will be determined by colorimetric method
as per AOAC official method (AOAC, 2005). Determination of Calcium and magnesium
Calcium and magnesium content in the sample will be determined as
per AOAC Official method 999.10 (AOAC, 2005) with minor
3.5.11 Microbiological testing
Microbial testing will be done to find safety aspect of flour for
consumption and also the shelf life. Pour plate method is used for
microbial testing. The flour is diluted twice and mixed with liquefied
nutrient agar in such a way that the colonies formed on the plates are
countable/ non countable.
3.6 Statistical Analysis
The data will be analyzed by using one way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and sample means will be compared by student’s- t-test if
necessary. P value < 0.005 will be considered significant in all cases.

3.7 Research Plan

The general research plan of this dissertation is shown in the
figure 3.4.
Rice Yam


Mashing Pure
culture of Aspergillus oryzae

Rice Jandh YamJandh

1.Sensory analysis
2.Nutrition analysis
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Mineral profile

Comparative study of the best product

Time Frame
The research work is planned to be completed within the time frame of
six months from the December 2018 to May 2019. Time line with
research activities will be as shown in the time table below.


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