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What is Environmental Science?

 Environmental science is an
interdisciplinary area of study that includes
both applied and theoretical aspects of
human impact on the world.
 It studies about everything around us and
studies about the relationship of human
activities which affect living and non-living
 It is a mixture of traditional science,
individual and societal values and political
Environment: the total of our
 All the things around us with which we
• Living things
 Animals, plants, forests, fungi, etc.
• Nonliving things
 Continents, oceans, clouds, soil, rocks
• Our built environment
 Buildings, human-created living centers
• Social relationships and institutions
Environmental science: how
does the natural world work?
Environment  impacts  Humans

 Ithas an applied goal: developing solutions to

environmental problems

 An interdisciplinary field
Natural sciences: information about the world
 Environmental Science programs
Social sciences: values and human behavior
 Environmental Studies programs
The “ecological footprint”
 The environmental
impact of a person or
• Amount of biologically
productive land + water
• for raw materials and to
dispose/recycle waste
 Overshoot: humans
have surpassed the
Earth’s capacity

We are using 30% more

of the planet’s resources
than are available on a
sustainable basis!
Ecological footprints are not all
 The ecological
footprints of
countries vary
 The U.S. footprint is
almost 5 times
greater than the
world’s average
 Developing countries
have much smaller
footprints than
developed countries
Interrelated Global Environment
 The environmental issues illustrated are
referred to as global environmental issues.
It's because their impacts and damages
affect not only the countries that caused
the problems, but go beyond their national
boundaries and can reach a global scale.

 It's also because these are problems which

require international efforts for solution.
These problems are inter-related in a very
complicated manner.
Interrelated Global Environment
We face challenges in
 Expanded food production led to
increased population and consumption
 It’s one of humanity’s greatest
achievements, but at an enormous
environmental cost
• Nearly half of the planet’s land surface is
used for agriculture
 Chemical fertilizers
 Pesticides
 Erosion
 Changed natural systems
We face challenges in pollution
 Waste products and artificial chemicals used in
farms, industries, and households

Each year, millions of people die from pollution

We face challenges in climate
Scientistshave firmly concluded that
humans are changing the composition of
the atmosphere
The Earth’s surface is warming
• Melting glaciers
• Rising sea levels
• Impacted wildlife and crops
• Increasingly destructive weather

Since the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric

carbon dioxide concentrations have risen by
37%, to the highest level in 650,000 years
We face challenges in
Human actions have driven many
species extinct, and biodiversity is
declining dramatically

Biodiversity loss may be our biggest environmental problem;

once a species is extinct, it is gone forever
Sustainable solutions exist
 We must develop solutions that protect both
our quality of life and the environment
 Organic agriculture
 Technology
• Reduces pollution
 Biodiversity
• Protect species
 Waste disposal
• Recycling
 Alternative fuels
Sustainability: a goal for the
 How can humans live within the planet’s
Humans cannot exist without functioning natural

 Sustainability
Leaves future generations with a rich and full Earth
Conserves the Earth’s natural resources
Maintains fully functioning ecological systems

 Sustainable development: the use of

resources to satisfy current needs without
compromising future availability of resources
Will we develop in a sustainable
 The triple bottom line:
sustainable solutions that
Environmental goals
Economic goals
Social goals

 Requires that humans apply

knowledge from the
sciences to
Limit environmental impacts
Maintain functioning
ecological systems
A Century of “Growth”
The inventions of the twentieth century had a remarkable effect
on daily life. They also had a devastating effect on the
environment. Human population reached 6,000,000,000 in 1999
and continues to grow.

In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote

a ground-breaking book on
what was happening to the
environment. Her book was
called “Silent Spring”. It
became a warning to change
our ways.
“Silent Spring”
The title of Carson’s book referred to the disappearance of
songbirds due to the pollution of air and water.

People were shocked by the

severity of the problem.
Carson’s book highlighted
the effects of air and water
pollution on humans and
other species of animals.
The Growth of Environmentalism
In 1970, the first Earth
Day was celebrated to
honor the Earth and
shine a light on the
damage being done to

Thousands of people turned out across the country for rallies and
demonstrations to bring attention, both political and popular to
environmental problems. Later that same year, 1970, the first Clean
Air Act was voted into law which made factories legally responsible for
cleaning up what gases are produced through their smokestacks.
Scale of Environmental Problems
Environmental problems are
typically categorized by the affected

Global problems, like global

warming and the hole in the ozone
layer affect the entire world

It is important to note that even though the entire planet’s

population is affected, the problems are caused by people living
in the world’s richest countries.
 Environmental science helps us understand our
relationship with the environment and informs
our attempts to solve and prevent problems.
 Identifying a problem is the first step in solving it
 Solving environmental problems can move us
towards health, longevity, peace and prosperity
Environmental science can help us find balanced
solutions to environmental problems

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