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Definisi Umum

Dlm system biologi  reaksi

kimia selalu memerlukan katalis.
Tanpa katalis  sangat lama
shg diperlukan  Enzim yg
berfungsi sbg biokatalisator
protein yang berfungsi untuk
mempercepat reaksi dengan jalan
menurunkan tenaga aktivasi dan
tidak mengubah kesetimbangan
reaksi, serta bersifat sangat
Biological Detergents
“Biological” detergents contain enzymes produced by (genetically
engineered) bacteria.

No enzymes
Better for
sensitive skin
May need
higher temp
Explain the action of “biological” detergents in terms of digestion
by enzymes.
Describe the advantages of using the
low-temperature enzyme reactions of “biological” detergents
Bio- Advantages
 Removes difficult stains

How? Enzymes (proteases) in detergent are

effective at breaking down proteins found in
substances such as blood, grass, egg yolk,

 Effective at lower temperatures (<40oC)

Saves energy heating water

Allows delicate fabrics to be
washed effectively
Aplikasi Enzim
Food enzymes
a. Enzymes for starch processing (amylases for production of
b. Sweetener production (glucose isomerase for fructose
c. Bakery products (xylanase, α -amylase, glucose oxidase for
conditioning, dough quality, loaf volume)
d. Dairy product (rennin, lactase for milk coagulation and
hydrolysis of
e. Fruit juice (pectinase, cellulase, xylanase for juice
Enzymes for animal
clarification, juice
f. Wine making (glucanase and papain for haze clearance)
a. Xylanase for fiber solubility
b. Phytase for removal of
Aplikasi Enzim
Enzymes for technological
a. Detergent enzymes (proteinase)
b. Enzyme for textile (cellulase and laccase for microfibril
and for improving brightness of cloth)
c. Enzymes for leather processing (protease, lipase)
d. Enzymes for paper and pulp processing (xylanase)
e. Enzymes of analytical use such as:
i. Uric acid by uricase
ii. Ethyl alcohol by alcohol dehydrogenase
iii. Ammonia by L-glutamate dehydrogenase
iv. Cholesterol by cholesterol oxidase
v. Glucose by glucose oxidase
vi. Urea by urease.
Aplikasi Enzim
Enzymes for medical applications
a. Digestive enzymes: Pancreatic enzymes, mammalian
(pepsin) plant proteases (Bromelain, papain), fungal
b. Enzymes with potential therapeutic applications
i. Asparaginase and glutaminase hydrolyzing L- aspargine
and L
glutamine to aspartic and glutamic acids respectively in
the treatment of leukemia.
ii. Urokinase and streptokinase (plasminogen to plasmin)
for dissolving blood clot in heart attack.
iii. Penicillinase for hydrolyzing penicillin during acute
penicillin allergy.
iv. Hyaluronidase for hydrolyzing hyaluronate in heart attack
v. Collaginase for hydrolyzing collagen in skin cancer
vi. Uricase for oxidizing uric acid in gout
Aplikasi Enzim
Enzymes for clinical and diagnostic
a. Enzyme linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): Enzymes
used are:
peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, ß- galactosidase
b. Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT):
Enzymes used
are lysozyme and malate dehydrogenase
c. Enzymatic analysis of blood constituents: Glucose, uric
acid, urea, cholesterol, pyruvate, lactate, triglyceride etc.
Aplikasi Enzim

Solusi untuk WC Mampet. Bio Bakteri / Bio Antik untuk

mengatasi masalah WC mampet / penuh. Dengan kandungan
enzim yg mengandung enzim lipase, amilase, protease yang
memakan kotoran/ lemak pada limbah domestik di dalam
septik tank. Penggunaan yang sangat mudah, tinggal di
masukkan kedalam septic tank yang mampet, maka dalam
waktu 3-7 hari akan mengurangi limbah septic tank sebanyak
80% , memakan kotoran/ limbah dan menyisakan air yang
kemudian akan diserap oleh tanah.
Enzim sebagai marker

Aktivitas Enzim dalam Plasma

Enzim dengan konsentrasi rendah

- Plasma: Thrombin
- disekresikan: Lipase, Amilase
- intraselular: transaminase, creatine kinase

Cedera atau kematian jaringan dapat menyebabkan

pelepasan enzim ke dalam aliran darah

Tingkat enzim dalam darah dijadikan sebagai indikator

kerusakan jaringan, dan digunakan dalam diagnosis
 Amylasepembengkakan pancreas
 Aminotransferase kerusakan hati
 Uricase(Candida)asam urat
 Kolesterol Oksidase(Pseudomonas)
 alcohol dehydrogenase (Saccharomyces)
Enzim dalam teknik ELISA

Teknik imunoenzimatik ELISA (Enzim Linked

Immuno Sorbent Assay). Contoh peroksidase,
fosfatase alkali, glukosa oksidase, amilase,
galaktosidase, dan asetil kolin transferase. Teknik
yang menghubungkan spesifisitas antibody
dengan sensitivitas uji enzim

Teknik EMIT (Enzim Multiplied Immunochemistry

Test). Contoh lisozim, malat dehidrogenase, dan
gluksa-6-fosfat dehidrogenase. Spesifisitas
antibody dengan antigen
Drugs as Enzyme Inhibitors

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