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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

ministerio del Poder Popular para la E ducación

E.T.C.”Luis Razetti”


Profesora: Alumno:
Victoria Gonzalez
Wayner Breto

Antibiotics are medicines that help stop

infections caused by bacteria. They do this
by killing the bacteria or by keeping them
from copying themselves or reproducing.
The word antibiotic means “against life.”
Any drug that kills germs in your body is
technically an antibiotic
Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms that are a
few micrometers in size (usually 0.5 to 5 μm in length)
and in various shapes, including spheres (cocci), bars
(bacilli), filaments, curved (vibrios), and helical (spirils
and spirochetes)
it is the transmission of a
disease by immediate or
immediate contact. A
contagious disease,
therefore, is one that a sick
person can transmit to a
healthy person.
Coronaviruses are an extensive
family of viruses that can cause
disease in both animals and
humans. In humans, several
coronaviruses are known to
cause respiratory infections that
can range from the common
cold to more serious illnesses
such as Middle East respiratory
syndrome (MERS) and severe
acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS). The most recently
discovered coronavirus causes
coronavirus disease COVID-19.

A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the

structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to
any immediate external injury.

It is a description in community health that occurs when a disease

affects more than the expected number of individuals in a population
during a certain time. To avoid the sensationalism that this word
entails, sometimes the synonym of epidemic outbreak or outbreak is
Face mask

It is called a surgical mask,

chinstrap, mask, face mask,
or face mask; a type of mask
used by surgeons and
general medical personnel
during surgery, to contain
bacteria from the nose and
 of incubation is the process of keeping something at the right temperature
and under the right conditions so it can develop. When a mother bird sits on
her eggs until they are ready to hatch, this is an example of incubation.
The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated;
detachment from other objects; isolation. 2. (Science:
physics) The act of separating a body from others by
nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of electricity
or of heat; also, the state of a body so separated.
 is an epidemic of disease that has spread
across a large region, for instance multiple 
continents or worldwide, affecting a
substantial number of people.

Una cuarentena es una restricción al movimiento de personas y bienes que tiene

como objetivo prevenir la propagación de enfermedades o plagas . A menudo se usa
en relación con enfermedades y enfermedades, evitando el movimiento de aquellos
que pueden haber estado expuestos a una enfermedad contagiosa , pero que no
tienen un diagnóstico médico confirmado.
SOAP (originalmente las siglas de Simple
Object Access Protocol) es un protocolo
estándar que define cómo dos objetos en
diferentes procesos pueden comunicarse
por medio de intercambio de datos XML

usually outbreak, it is a classification

used in epidemiology to refer to the
repentant appearance of a disease due
to an infection in a specific place. These
are often limited to a town or a small
area. The outbreak is synonymous with
an epidemic to avoid the
sensationalism that this word entails.
it is a deviation from normal
function or sensation that is evident
to a patient, reflecting the presence
of an unusual condition or disease.
A symptom can be subjective or

Viruses are small pieces of RNA

(ribonucleic acid) or DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), many are
encapsulated in a protein-based
envelope known as a capsid, others
protect their genetic material with a
cell-derived membrane or envelope.
infect and some others also surround

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