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Lifestyle of a Film Analyst :

• Movies are often treasures full of fantasy, reality and laughs– a

vast assortment of elaborate stories. To write, analyze and explore
films is a privilege and a gift.

• It takes a lot to become a film analyst. Once you achieve that, it

becomes even more tougher to stay in the game because
analysing films is no easy task. So, lets dive into his world.
It’s all Movies, Movies and Movies
• A film analyst’s day starts with a newspaper, precisely, film news.
From then, it’s all movies, movies and movies.

• If it is the release day of a film, then he must be fresh and sharp as

he must analyse that film.

• Understanding and analysing a film on its first watch is not a piece of


• Most of the times, he has to watch 2-3 films on a single day without
a break. In addition, he has to write about those films with a clear
cut understanding.

• If a particular film is complicated, then he must watch it multiple

times to understand its aesthetic nature.
Drenches himself …

• A film analyst drenches himself in an ocean called “films”.

• Another responsibility of a film analyst is that he must talk about

films which bring new waves into the industry and also has to
promote such films.

• Sometimes, it becomes hectic as he has to promote multiple films

at the same point of time.
Promotes as well as Criticises :
• Life of a film analyst is monotonous as he has to work on films all the

• His diet gets disturbed due to his uncertain schedule and he seldom
finds time to relax

• It is not that he always promotes a film. If a film is run-of-the-mill, he

will be the first person to criticise its flaws.

• Sometimes, he doesn’t have enough time to watch all the movies and
keeps on bookmarking them.

• Another interesting work of a film analyst is that he reads

books/novels to understand the aesthetic nature of a film and how both
of them are interlinked.

• Recently, many film analysts have started breaking down films and
demonstrating their credibility to aspiring filmmakers and film analysts.
What happens on a non-movie day :

• When there is no movie releasing on a particular day, then it

becomes even more difficult as he does not have a particular
schedule to follow.

• Most of the time, he interviews celebrities about their respective

works and conducts roundtable conferences with the filmmakers.

• Also he streams online and interacts with the viewers and talks about
Present situation :

• Present situation in the country is quite terrifying. Outbreak of

corona virus has created ripples around the whole world.

• Although it is a very dark period in our lives, it is kind of a blessing in

disguise for a film analyst.

• Quarantine gives him the much needed break from everything and
also provides him with a quite amount of time to watch films which
he has been bookmarking.

• He gets to watch critically acclaimed films and exposes himself to

world class filmmaking

• Even though quarantine effects his economics, his exposure to world

class cinema helps him in evolving as a film analyst.
It’s no mean feat :

• Film analysing and film appreciation looks easy on the eyes. But, it
takes so much clarity, understanding, exposure and valuable time to
produce an end product of such quality.

• Always learning something new from a same film is metaphorically

same as learning something new from the same monotonous life. In a
way, it teaches us how to lead a happy life.

• Finally, being a film analyst is no mean feat.


Name : Polinati Suresh

Registration No
Section : 11703824
: KE102

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