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Guide Questions and Pointers for Film Analysis APAG


 Write a two-page Analysis Paper of the Film APAG answering or giving emphasis on the guide
questions below.
o FONT STYLE: Cambria
o SPACING: Double Space
o FORMAT: Paragraph should be justified and in Essay form with Introduction, Body, and
o Include a Cover Paper with your Name, Course, Class Code and Section

The Cinematic techniques construct a viewer’s experience of a film much like literary devices construct a
reader’s experience of a text. Film viewers are encouraged to identify with particular characters or
elements of a film. This identification helps create the ideology/agenda of the film.

An analysis is the breaking down of something into parts to understand how it works. Literary analysis
and film analysis rely on the same critical thinking skills.

• How does film reflect the beliefs and values of society?

• How do films make us think as Filipinos?
• What is the relationship between the viewer and the film?
• What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
• If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
• If you had a chance to ask the screenwriter a question, what would it be?
• If you were writing the screenplay for this movie, would you have changed the ending? Explain
your answer.
• The problems faced by the protagonist sometimes stray from the central conflict in the film.
Describe these problems and show how they are familiar to the problems you or someone you
know must face.
• The personal qualities that help the protagonist solve his or her problem are often a part of the
lesson to be learned in the film. What are these qualities?
• Identify different scenes that represents the reality of Filipino Family struggling in a developing
country, and why?
• In your own opinion, how does the film represent the Filipino globalization in portraying the story
in the following aspect:
o Justice
o Culture
o Religion
o Human Rights
• The resolution to the problem in the film can be satisfying or disheartening. How does the ending
become symbolic?
• The resolution of the film teaches a lesson. How can you apply the lesson in the film to your own
• Which character did you [admire, hate, love, pity] the most? What was it about that character that
caused you to have that reaction?
• What motivates the major characters? Are their motivations or wants explained outright or
revealed over time?

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