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 A ladder 8 meters long leans against the wall of a building.
If the foot of the ladder makes an angle of 68 ̊ with the
ground, how far is the base of the ladder from the wall?
 Adrian is flying a kite. He is holding the end of the string at
a distance of 1.5 m above the ground. If the string is 20m
long and makes an angle of 40˚ with the horizontal, how
high is the kite above the ground?
 A man, 1.5m tall, is on top of a building. He observes a car
on the road at an angle of 75˚ . If the building is 30m high,
how far is the car from the building?
 A four-meter ladder leans against a wall. If the foot of the
ladder makes an angle of 80˚with the ground, how high up
the wall does the ladder reach?

 A homeowner is to construct a ramp to his front door

make it wheelchair accessible. How long is the ramp if
the if the door is 4 ft. above the ground level and the
angle of elevation is 20˚.
 Suppose you are a lifeguard looking down at a
swimmer in a swimming pool. Your line of sight forms
55 degrees angle of depression. You are 10 ft. up in
your seat. How far is the swimmer from the base of
your lifeguard stand.

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