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Bilal 2017521460007
Dilshodjon 2017521460025
Yes, this application will be built on windows form
Technical using C# via visual studio.

capability: Followed by the database management using sql

server management
Budget and Legality:

Budget is depending on the kind of functionalities that goes into the project, some are time
consuming thus cost more same, then it also depends if the project has been made completely by
the company or if have they outsourced it to a different company
Usually it can start from $400, but it heavily depends on the scope of project.
Rest as a company, if being given responsibility for yearly management then it may cost around
$50 per month again depending on the projects capability.
Legality depends on the requirements of the user and what kind of functionality or design ideas
he wants to implement. Some of them are open source which would be cost efficient for the client
rest would require client to increase his/her budget.

Would have to thoroughly check whether there would be any bugs that might lead to the
some functionality not being updated or worse even crashing which could force the client
to stop its business till it is being resolved which could cause some serious problems

Risk for us?

The only risk which could cause a threat to us is that this is the first time we are using c#
platform, since it is quite similar to java so uptill now it has not caused any problem to us
Operational feasibility:

The operational tasks run throughout the restaurant management has been
summarized on this application form based system. It will revolve around the
menu, staff and order system, based on CRUD functionality.
This will be followed by the login functionality that will consist of 2 user types,
one consisting of employees taking in order and placing and what not, second
being the admin keeping track of employees and having access to data.
This will be our database structure for now:

we might alter it on the go.

Should take us approximately 4 weeks to get it all done and ready to use.

Tasks Time

Software design (final)  may 18- may 25

Coding  April 26-may 11

Testing  may 11-may 18

User training and software installation  may 25- June 1

Purpose of the Project:

To pass the course

To modernize the system for the management of restaurants for an ease in life
and responsibilities, as well as an assured, safe and a system with
Save time for people in ordering food and reduces risk of making a mistake
whether during ordering or keeping track of employees.
Interface designer

We are currently using Telerik toolbox to give it an elegant graphical user

interface that will give the user a feel of a professionally designed look.
Though we do not have a sample of it ready since that is something I usually
leave for the last part.

Long story short, this is our first time making a project using c# platform
linked with sql database management system, we are planning to make it as
close to the officially standardized softwares like this as possible and should be
able to achieve our goal within the time period
How are we doing it together?

We are doing it via screensharing applications as in that way we are able to

work on the project together at the same time and work on everything
together without having to divide any tasks, though while doing it we do
sometimes divide some tasks for example while working on CRUD
functionality we divided it in 2 parts and one was responsible for Create and
update while other worked on Retrieve and Delete but as we were doing it
together it did not pose much trouble.

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