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Analyzing The

 .A patient has the fllowing clinical manifestation: High fever,intoler

ance to heat and preference for cold and cold beverages,

thirst,perspiration,flushed complexion and reddened eyes, irritabilit
y, thick, yellow sputum and nasal discharge, constipation, a reddene
d tongue with dry, yellow coating and a rapid pulse.
 1.Please Differentiate syndrome of the patient, and how to treat.

 2. Which prescription shoud be taken?

 Answers

 1. Heat syndrome
 2. Heat-reducing/clear away the heat

 Bai Hu Tang

 Here is the patient with coughing, shortness of breath, lack of streng

th to breath, worse when active, lassitude, a feeble voice, spontaneou
s sweating, aversion to cold, pallor, a pale tongue and a feeble pulse.
 1. What is the syndrome of the patient?
 2. How do you treat him?

 1. Lungs-qi deficiency syndrome

 2. Tonify the lungs qi


 Here is the patient with dizziness, ringing in the ear, declined vision,
amnesia, insomnia, weakness of the low back and knees, a gaunt for
m, a dry mouth worse at night, a feverish sensation in palms, soles a
nd the heart region, tidal fever, night sweats, flushed cheeks, scanty
menstrual flow, a reddened tongue with thin, dry coating and a thre
ady, rapid pulse.
 What is the syndrome of the patient?How do you treat him?
 Kidney-yin deficiency syndrome

 Replenishing kidney-yin
 Here is the patient with fever and chills,headache,aching
pain of the body and joints, absence of perspiration and
thirst,white and moist tongue,floating and tense pulse.
 What is the syndrome of the patient? How do you treat
him? Which prescription can be selected?
 Exterior cold syndrome

 Induce perspiration to relive exterior syndrome

 Ma Huang Tang

 Here is a patient with Lack of appetite, abdominal distension and pain,

alleviated by warmth and pressure,a diminished sense of taste and absence of
thirst, cold limbs, loose stools, difficulty of urination a pale and moist tongue
with white, smooth coating and a deep, thready pulse.
 What is the syndrome of the patient? How do you treat him? Which
prescription can be selected?
 Spleen-yang Deficiency Syndrome

 Warm the middle jiao/Reinforce the spleen yang

 Li Zhong Tang

 The Clinical Manifestations of the patient : Palpitation and stabbing pain in

the chest and involving the shoulder, back and arm ; a dark red tongue with
purplish spots on its surface; an unsmooth pulse or knotted, intermittent
 What is the syndrome of the patient? How do you treat him? Which
prescription can be selected?
 Heart-blood stagnation syndrome/Obstruction of
the heart collaterals and vessels

 activate blood and remove stasis

 Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

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