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Today’s Topic

How to ask for an addresses if you

don’t have a map or internet
When we are in a country that we do not know, it is likely that at some
point during our trip, even if we have a map, we lose ourselves.
It’s important to know how to ask for directions in English, in this way you
will be able to reach your destination faster than trying to understand a
If someone is lost, they may stop and ask you the
following questions

•Excuse me, where is…?

•Do you know how to get to…?
•Sorry to bother, but I don’t know where is….
•Can you tell me where… is?
•I’m looking for… do you know where it is?
First of all, you must know a little basic
vocabulary, to be able to ask for one address,
understand it and give it.

Traffic Lights Bus Stop Hotel Bank Park

Semaforo Parada de Autobus Hotel Banco Parque
Post Office Museum Station Down Town Street
Oficina Postal Museo Estación Centro de la Calle
Constructions Subway Block Avenue Highway
Construcciones Subterraneo Cuadra Avenida Autopista
Preposiciones Advervios
Between (Entre) On the Corner
(En la esquina)
Next to (Enseguida) Left (Izquierda)
Behind (Detrás) Right (Derecha)
In front of (En frente de) Straight Ahed
(Derecho hacia)
Near (Cerca) Just around the corner
(Justo a la vuelta de la esquina)
Far (Lejos)
While these questions are worded differently, they all require you to give
directions to a specific location. Thankfully, there are many ways to respond
using simple, uncomplicated English. Firstly, you could reply by saying
something along the lines of:
•• The
The easiest
easiest way
way is
is to…
•• The
The best
best way
way is
is to…
•• The
The quickest
quickest way
way is
is to…

You can then use the word ‘go’, plus the direction they need to travel. For example:
•Go right
•Go left
•Go straight
•Go through
•Go around
•Go up
You may then need to elaborate by changing the direction in which they are travelling.
Be sure to separate each leg of the journey with a transition such as ‘then,’ ‘next’ and
•Go straight then turn right
•Go through the first set of traffic lights then turn left
•Continue along this road then turn right
Go past = Continuar hasta que pases algún punto de referencia, como una
Go across = Cruzar, como una calle o  intersección
Go along = Continuar en una calle
Go straight on = Continuar sin girar a la derecha o izquierda
Go up = Sube
Go down = Baja
Go through = Atravesar algo, como un túnel o una ciudad
Go out of = Salir
It’s in front of you = Está frente a tí
It’s opposite to the bank = Está de lado opuesto al banko
It’s on the corner = Está en la esquina
How do I get to…? = ¿Cómo puedo llegar a…?
Turn back around = Girar hacia atrás
Cross… = Cruzar
It’s on the left/right = Está a la izquierda/derecha
Keep going = Sigue
Next to = Al lado de
At the end = Al fin de/Cuando se acabe (una calle)
You’re very close = Estás cerca
It’s very close = Está/queda muy cerca
It’s very far = Está/queda muy lejos
The next street = La proxima calle
If you are not completely sure of going in the right
direction, you can be sure by asking the following:

 Are we on the right road to..? → ¿Estamos en el camino correcto hacia..?

 Is this the right way to..? → ¿Esta es la vía correcta para..?

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