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Proyecto final Inglés 3:

Presentándome en inglés.
Por: De la luz García Juan Daniel.
• Hello, my name is juan Daniel de la luz García.
• Im recording this video because i need evidence my learning for my
course of basic english 3, and in this video, i talking about me, my
personal information, my hobbies, my infance and my future.
• To begin, im 23 years old and i born in Xalapa Veracruz, México.
• Im study the bachelor degree in computer networks at the
universidad veracruzana, but, in my free time, i usually study social
and behavoir science in a research laboratory, also, often i play
videogames and watch the behavoir of my fish for hours and
sometimes i take care of my plants.
• In contrast to my infance, i used to play with my toy cars, i used to go
to the family travels and i used to ride in my bike for long time.
• When I decided to study computer networks and services, I used to
study psychology, but I hated that school's educational system and
learning culture. This was my first reason to look for another
bachelor's degree
• The second reason for change my bachelors degree was that I worred
for my economic future, since, in psychology I knowled that the
employment ofert was nule while in enginiere and technology I would
take an opportunity for find job
• And the third and final reason for study computer networks is my
passion for all thing related to logic, mathematics, complex thinking
and my facility for manipulate the technology devices.
• For study my bachelor's degree the norm is typical as in the others
bachelor's degrees, the norms are very easy to keep, some of this
norms are:
• You have to keep the asistence over 80% for do regular students.
• You have to accomplish the homeworks and partial exams for approve
the courses.
• You have to respect all forms of expression of the students, professors
and employee of the installation
• For the mayority of course, you have to obtain over 7 of calification
global in the course for exempt the final exam.
• On the contrary, what is not recommended do is:
• You shouldn´t drink alcohol and smoke into installation.
• You shouldn't stay before hour of open at 7:00 am and after hour of
close at 9:00 pm
• You shouldn´t disregard the rules of the teachers' classes.
• You shouldn´t damage the equipmets of the installation
• And my plans for the next five years beging with starting an computer
maintenance business, at the same time, im going to search a job
related in administration on telecomunications or computer service,
im going take a certification on amazon web service, cisco
cibersecurity, cloud service on Microsoft azure and desing of systems
in Huawei.
• In this moment im working hard on start my computer maintenance
business while study the courses for my bachalors degree.
• For any people interesting in take a job in admistration on
telecomunications or computer service, i recommend that you should
study topics related on virtualization, servers, Linux, architecture on
networking, cybersecurity, and protocol analaysis.
• You should take any certification on resolution of network problems.
• You shoud follow the great companies in the matter for example
Huawei, Fortinet, Cisco, IBM and spect for oferts employ
• Finally, i only have say goodbye and be grateful for listen my history
whit atention.
• And i hope my reccomends for your studies are useful.

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