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My ideal being

Mi ser ideal
My ideal being is my wife , I quote 12 of her best attributes:
Es mi ser ideal porque:

Durante 36 años ha
sido la compañera
incondicional .

She is my ideal being because:

For 36 years she has been the unconditional companion .
Es mi ser ideal
Durante todo este
tiempo ha
trabajado hombro
a hombro para
sacar adelante
nuestro hogar y
con él a nuestras

She is my ideal being because:

During all this time she has worked shoulder to shoulder to move our home
forward and with her our daughters.
Es mi ser ideal
Ha sabido sortear
con inteligencia
los momentos
dif íciles.

He is my ideal being because:

She has known how to intelligently overcome difficult moments.
Es mi ser ideal porque:
Ha sido una buena madre ,
siempre ha inculcado a
nuestras hijas y a nuestros
nietos, los más altos valores
para que puedan
desempeñarse bien en
sociedad .

She is my ideal being because:

She has been a good mother, she has always instilled in our daughters and
grandchildren the highest values so that they can perform well in society.
Es mi ser ideal porque:
Aparte de ser buena esposa ,
madre y abuela; fue buena
hija , siempre estuvo
pendiente de sus padres
hasta el último momento de
su existencia y ama la

She is my ideal being because:

Apart from being a good wife , mother and grandmother, she was a good daughter,
she was always dependent on her parents until the last moment of her existence and
love the nature .
Es mi ser ideal porque:
Siempre está pendiente
del bienestar de sus
hermanas, hermanos y

She is my ideal being because:

She is always looking out for the well-being of her sisters, brothers and nephews.
Es mi ser ideal porque:
Es una maestra en la
cocina , siempre aplica
una sazón diferente y la
mantiene en orden .

She is my ideal being because:

She is a teacher in the kitchen , she always applies a different flavor and keeps
t in order.
Es mi ser ideal
Siempre me ha
apoyado en mi

He is my ideal being because:

She has always supported me in my academic training.
Es mi ser ideal
Está pendiente de
su salud y la
mía, las citas
médicas, los
tratamientos, el
suministro de los

She is my ideal being because: She is aware of her health and mine , medical
appointments, treatments, the supply of medications ...
Es mi ser ideal porque:
Es una super abuela , se
comunica todos los días
con nuestros nietos, a
pesar que ellos se
encuentran lejos, en

She is my ideal being because:

She is a super grandmother, she communicates every day with our
grandchildren , even though they are far away, in Europe .
Es mi ser ideal
porque: Es muy
especial con nuestros
yernos, siempre ha
sido respetuosa y
condescendiente con

She is my ideal being because:

She is very special with our sons-in-law, she has always been respectful and
very condescending towards them.

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