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Monday 27th.

April 2020
Notes Expansion
You have been asked to give a talk on how to prevent acne breakouts
during the Health Week celebration in your school.
In about 120 words, write a talk on how to prevent acne breakouts.
You may use the notes to help you.

do not scrub or never pop pimples

wash your face
too much
Ways to Prevent
Acne Breakouts
Clean glasses Body pimples –
regularly if you are avoid wearing
wearing them tight clothing

Write your talk.

Sample Answer
A very good morning to our dear principal, beloved teachers and all my
friends. In conjunction with Health Week, I would like to share some tips on how
to prevent acne breakouts.
First, do not scrub or wash your face too much. This will actually irritate
your skin more. Only wash your face twice a day using warm water and a facial
cleaner that is specially made for skin with pimples.
Never pop your pimples. This could lead to more swelling and will
eventually leave a scar. Likewise, avoid touching your face unnecessarily
because you could be transferring bacteria to your pores. They will get inflamed
and irritated. I’m sure you do not want that!
If you wear glasses, make sure you clean them frequently. This will stop
oil and dirt on the glasses from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
Finally, do not wear tight clothing if you have pimples on your body as
they do not allow your skin to breathe. Accumulated dirt, oil and sweat can
irritate your skin.
Try out these steps and hopefully you will see some improvement. I wish
you all the best.
Thank you for lending me your ears.
Tuesday 28th. April 2020
Notes Expansion
You are the President of the Public Speaking Club in your school. You
have been asked to write an article on how to prepare a speech in
front of an audience.
In about 120 words, write an article on how to prepare a speech in
front of an audience.
You may use the notes to help you.

Show enthusiasm
and energy during
plan speech speech
properly Preparing for a
speech in front
of an audience
answer questions
given concisely
and briefly
Write your article.
Sample Answer
Delivering a speech in front of an audience can be nerve-wrecking.
However, there are ways to calm the butterflies in your stomach.
First of all, you have to plan your speech. Focus on the message of
the speech by keeping the length of the speech within time limit. Studies
show that an audience can only remember there or four points that you
present in a speech, so keep it short.
During the speech, show some enthusiasm and energy. The
audience will lose interest in your speech if you deliver it in a dull manner.
Face your audience as much as possible. This also can help the audience
to hear you better when you are giving your speech.
When answering questions from the audience, make sure everyone
in the audience is involved and knows what the question is. Repeat if
necessary. The audience must also be able to hear and understand your
Always remember not to fidget nervously in front of your audience.
You should exude calmness even if you are feeling nervous and that will
help with your confidence.
Wednesday 29th. April 2020
Notes Expansion
You are the President of the Health Club in your school. You have
been asked to write a report on how to stay fit and healthy.
In about 120 words, write the report.
You may use the notes to help you.

eat healthily

regularly Staying fit and
Get enough sleep

Write your report.

Sample Answer
Ways to stay fit and healthy
Staying fit and healthy is important. Therefore, we should exercise
regularly. We must also eat healthily and get enough sleep.
When choosing an exercise, find one that is fun for you.
Furthermore, small changes can add up to better fitness. For example,
instead of taking the bus to school, walk or ride your bike. You should also
choose an activity that gets your heart pumping such as running or
swimming. This is the best type of exercise as it increase your fitness level.
Apart from exercising, you should also eat healthily. Eat three
healthy meals a day. This must include fruit, vegetables and dairy products.
You must also drink plenty of fluids before, during and after any exercise.
The best drink is plain water.
You must also get 9 to 10 hours of sleep every night. This will help
you feel alert and well-rested. Spend less time playing computer games or
watching television. Avoid doing things that will damage your health such
as smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
In conclusion, it is not difficult to stay fit and healthy. It just takes a
little practice and determination.
Thursday 30th. April 2020
Notes Expansion
You recently went on a field trip with your class.
In about 120 words, write a recount about going to the exciting place.
You may use the questions given to help you.

An exciting field trip

 Where was the place?

 How did you get there?
 What was exciting about it? Explain.
 How did you feel?
 What did you do at the place?

Write your essay.

Sample Answer
An amazing class trip to Sunway Lagoon
When we found out that there were water parks in
Sunway Lagoon, my classmates and I were over the moon. I
couldn’t wait for our very first field trip.
The day finally came and we excitedly boarded the
hotel shuttle bus. For the whole trip, I looked out the window
for the road signs that led us there.
When we went in, we all decided that we wanted to go
on the water slides first. The lines were incredibly long but the
moment we started going down the top of the slide, I knew
that this would be an experience to remember.
We stayed in the water park the whole day swimming,
eating and going on all the rides, often twice. My skin and hair
were sticky from chlorine for the whole of the next day, but I
was so, so happy.
Friday 1st. May2020
Notes Expansion
On your way home after tuition class, you witnessed a bullying
In about 120 words, write a recount about the incident for your school
You may use the questions given to help you.

A bullying incident
 What did you see?
 Who did you meet?
 Where did the incident happen?
 What are the ways to prevent bullying?

Write your essay.

Sample Answer
Yesterday, when I was walking home from tuition class, I noticed a
big boy beating up another boy. At first I did not try to help because I was
scared. I looked from behind a tree to see what was happening. I saw the
big boy was demanding money from the smaller boy.
I knew I had to help the boy. I saw a man passing by and asked him
to help me. We ran towards the bully and asked what he was doing. He
was taken by surprise and quickly said he was only playing with the boy but
the boy told us what was actually happening. He told us that the bully
always waited for him there every day and it had been going on for a week.
The man decided to report to the police but the bully cried, begging him
not to and promised not to bully anyone anymore. The man then accepted
his promise and said he would keep an eye on him.
Bullying is a serious problem in schools. Parents should explain to
their children al about the dangers of bullying and being bullied. Schools
should try to help students who are being bullied. Bullies should be
punished and sent for counselling. Discipline teachers should take bullying
seriously and listen to complaints from students who say they are being

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