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English Education Study

Sembilanbelas November University
of Kolaka 2019

The Result Seminar

The Correlation Between Learning Style and Students’

Reading Comprehension at The Second grade of MAN 1

By :
Nim : 15020103

The Consultants :
1. <Prof.Dr. Ruslin Hadanu. M.,Si>
2. <Laode. Muh. Idrus Hamid B.Spd.,M.Pd>

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

Chapter I

Background of the research

There are number factor influence the succes foreign language one of
them learning style ( Ahmed, 2012 ). Learning style is one of the factor
that help determine how well students learn second language and can
affect their cmprehension ( Oxford and Rabecca L 2003). So learning
style has relation with reading comprehension

Most of students at MAN 1 Kolaka has good participation in

reading but some of them lack of reading.

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study Program
Sembilanbelas November University
of Kolaka 2019

Problem of the research

Is there any significat correlation between students’ learning style and

reading comprehension at the second grade of MAN 1 Kolaka ?

Objective of the research

To find out correlation between students learning style and reading

comprehension at the second grade of MAN 1 Kolaka ?

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study Program
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019

Scope of the research

This research focussed only to find out correlation between learning style and reading
comprehension. In Learning style focuss on visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning
style while in reading comprehension focuss on annoouncement, descriptive, Narative
and Recount

The significance of the research

Both of Significance of the research such as Theorical & Practical
significance ( For the students, teacher, Other researchers and The

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

The first research was cunducted by (Husni 2018)

entitled The Correlation between Learning Style and
Students’ Reading Achievement at Senior High School
in Kepunahan.

The similarity is using the same method about

quantitative method and correlational design researc
while the difference the research used total sampling
and this research use purposive sampling

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019

The second research were conducted by (Nunung and Hayati 2011)

entitled The Correlation between Learning Style and Listening
Achievement of Educational English Study program students of
Sriwijaya University.

The similarity is using the same method about quantitative method and
correlational design researc while the difference the research used
convenience sampling and this research use purposive sampling and has
different objective this research focussed on skill listening and this
research focuss on reading

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

Chapter III
Method of Research
Design of The
Variable of The Independent and Dependent
Research variable
This research will conduct at
Setting MAN 1 Kolaka It is located In
Second grade & XI IPA 2
Population and Sample which cosists ofThirty one

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study Program
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019

Instrument Questionnaire and test

Construct learning style and reading,

Technique of Data
Collecting validity test, Take the research, and
data analyzes.

Technique of Data Descriptive statistic and

Analysis Inferential.
Ho: There is no Correlation
H1: There Is Psitive correlation
Hyphootesis H2: There is negative correlation

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (


Research findings
Descriptive Statistic Analysis
Students' learning style Reading comprehension

very good

good fair
14% E]

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study Program
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019

Inferential statistic analysis correlation between students’

learning style and reading comprehension
Cofficient interval and relationship level

Coefficient interval Level of relationship

0,00 – 0,199 Very low correlation
0,20 – 0,399 Low correlation
0,40 – 0,599 Medium correlation
0,60 – 0,799 Strong correlation
0,80 – 1,00 Very strong correlation

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study Program
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019


The coefficient correlation between students’ learning style and reading

comprehension was 0.583, it means that the coefficient correlation was
a medium correlation. Based on the result, it could be synthesized that
hypothesis was rxy was bigger than rt. So H0 was rejected and H1 was

On the other hand, the researcher concluded that students’ learning style
correlates with reading comprehension at the second grade of MA
Negeri 1 Kolaka in academic year 2018/2019

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (


The researcher concluded that students’ learning style
correlates with reading comprehension at the second grade of
MA Negeri 1 Kolaka in academic year 2018/2019
1. The English teacher

2. For another researcher.

Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

English Education Study
Sembilanbelas November
University of Kolaka 2019


Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNMUL (

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