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Total quality management
Lecture 3
 Defines a leader in total quality management as a
person who inspires, by appropriate means,
sufficient competence to influence a group of
individuals to become willing followers in the
achievement of organizational goals.
 Reports research identifying the keys of

successful leadership in quality management:

(1) attention through vision, (2) meaning through
communication, (3) trust through positioning, and
(4) confidence through respect.
The role of leadership in TQM
 Leadership plays a critical role in the
sponsorship of TQM within organizations and
sets the culture necessary for TQM to flourish. ...
The intention is to demonstrate that TQM without
the right leadership cannot fully succeed and that
the principles of effective leadership can be
learned and practiced.
 The most important qualities of a
good leader include integrity,
accountability, empathy, humility,
resilience, vision, influence, and
positivity. “Management is about
persuading people to do things they do
not want to do, while leadership is about
inspiring people to do things they never
thought they could.”
The elements of TQM
To be successful implementing TQM, an
organization must concentrate on the eight key
 Ethics.
 Integrity.
 Trust.
 Training.
 Teamwork.
 Leadership.
 Recognition.
 Communication.

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