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smART Pakistan

 SmArt Pakistan is an online portal that is established to promote the art of the immensely talented Pakistanis. The art that
will be shared on this portal will include all forms of art – music, painting, poetry, makeup, and dance to name a few.

 SmArt Pakistan offers artists all over Pakistan to have their work showcased and promoted. There are many artists that
await a platform to showcase their skills and talents, however, due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstance are
unable to do so. SmArt Pakistan will be a one stop solution for all such artists. Through this platform, people who
appreciate and follow art avidly can also connect with relevant artists for purchasing, if applicable. Moreover, this
platform will also serve as an inspiration for the fellow artists who want to pursue art in their lives.
Milestone Milestone description Person Resources Stakeholders
Responsible Required involved

Development and launch of Coming up with a strategy for Agha Nawaz Ali Laptop Team Ishtiraaq
the project the virtual project and Khan and Usman Internet Access Social Media
announcing it on all our social Afzal Social media followers
media platforms.    

Marketing the project Creating awareness about the Moiz Tunio Laptop Team Ishtiraaq
project through social media Internet Access Social Media
marketing. Social media followers

Contacting artists to be Getting in touch with talented Sohaib Arif Phone Team Ishtiraaq
featured individuals from across the Internet access The artists
country to get hold of their  
Milestone Milestone description Person Responsible Resources Stakeholders
Required involved

Putting up art and promoting it This will involve actually Abdul Hadi Zahir Laptop Team Ishtiraaq
creating the content for our and Ahmed Sulehri Internet Access Social Media
social media pages, crediting Social media followers
and promoting the artists   The artists
behind the posts, and increasing  
their exposure.

Conducting live sessions on To further increase the Muhammad bin Laptop Team Ishtiraaq
Facebook and Instagram promotion of artists, we will Azhar Internet Access Social Media
conduct live session with them And Ahmed Shah Social media followers
where they can tell their stories   The artists
and answer audience questions.  

Getting feedback and evaluating Getting reviews from our Komal Abid Laptop Team Ishtiraaq
followers and planning our Internet Access  
future content accordingly.  
Facebook - CONTD
Consolidated Video Post – Facebook
Lessons – smART Pakistan

 Identification and communication with artists

 Audience targeting and segmentation

 Relevant social media outlets

 Response measures
Social Impact – smART Pakistan

 Appreciation of artists

 Increased engagement

 Individual motivation

 Positive feedback
Exit strategy – smART Pakistan

 To hand over the project to Artiscene – a startup working for promoting artists around the country.
Project Ta’abeer

Jhundwali - Faisalabad
Project Mehwar

Cleanliness drive Plantation drive area

Exit Strategy – Continuing members

are yet to
Head of
make their
Exit strategy – the Plan

 Completion of the current dram room – Jhundwali, Faisalabad.

 Plantation drive at the designated LUMS area.

 Expanding the project Ta’abeer to Karachi and other cities.

 Taking the project Mehwar beyond LUMS


 The book explains what social entrepreneurs are, how their organizations operate , and what issues and
problems they face

 Presents the idea that how small groups of individuals can bring about a huge impact and change. These
individuals are using powerful innovative ideas to solve problems such as hunger, poverty and human rights

 It aims to understand how social entrepreneurship is different from the traditional idea of business ventures
and how social entrepreneurs work through recurrent learning methods

 The most common misconception about social entrepreneurs is that they like to take risks. The social
entrepreneurship book states that research found that entrepreneurs are attracted to challenges when the key
determinant of success is skill, not chance.

 Most entrepreneurs are risk averse, but its their tendency to overestimate the chances of success that makes
them seem like risk takers.

  Social entrepreneurs reject the notion that profit and social impact are equally important but people still
like to believe that they are equally attracted towards the profit.

  Having an open mind as a social entrepreneur about hardships and challenges helps build better relations
and bring out the best outcome for the community.

 Collaboration is key. When you collaborate with other entities, you're able to reach more people and
therefore have a greater impact. The combined  impact is greater than the individual impacts combined.

 More than investing in refining and formulating a perfect foolproof plan in an effort to make social change,
what matters is to start, be it from small, and make change from where you stand because everyone can be a
change maker. 

 The characteristics and attributes to be a social entrepreneur can be found in all of us, whether a banker, a
farmer or even someone disabled. Your culture, race, gender or occupation do not rely on being a social
entrepreneur. According to Peter Drucker most people can learn to behave like entrepreneurs.
 One does not need to leave their professions or shift career to become a social entrepreneur.
 Social Entrepreneurs often face problems when they try to advance a change that runs counter to the interests
of well-organized groups, e.g the oil sector, bank lobbies or political parties with their own interests. Thus,
motivation plays a very important role in overcoming these hardships.

 This books also tells us about that social entrepreneurship and government process towards any social cause
are opposite to each other. Social entrepreneurship starts with observation and experimentation and then
moves to institutionalization and independent adoption, while on the contrary side, governmental process
starts with setting policies first and then implementing at the last stage by service providers. 
 Social media is the new boomer of social entrepreneurship, and in order to be successful in it we must make
good use of social media. 
 Children are born innovators. Their ideas and thoughts or the urge to experiment should not be dismissed by
adults, but rather they should be encouraged to go ahead and try out their ideas, and the adults should make
them feel good about being curious and experimental. This way, social entrepreneurs can benefit from a
fresh perspective.

 The main role of a free press is to provide citizens with the information they need to lead good lives and to
help society improve. Citizens need to be apprised of opportunities as well as problems. But due to cultural
biases and structural constraints within news organizations, journalists under report solutions. One change
that social entrepreneurship may advance is the legitimizing of a category of news focused on solutions. Ir
order to bring positivity in the world.
 People who see beyond existing frameworks should have a passionate interest in almost everything they do
as well as whatever they ask. For example, Why do people not listen to you? Why are there so many beggars
in our country? And this goes on..
 They should also have the ability to question society as well as thier own assumptions and critically analyze
how they can have a huge impact on one's decision making. 

 One of the hardest things for us in the beginning was to get funding for our major project. The
misconceptions about Social Entrepreneurs being profit-hungry like every other company were experienced
by us as well. People were not convinced that their money would be put to good use and wanted more
verification than we could provide.
 As part of our minor project, when we set out to change the existing culture of carelessness in our university,
we were faced with similar kind of resistance as described in the book. People thought our project went
against their vested interest and, hence, were not willing to support us. It took some convincing to get them
to our side.

 Lastly, the book's message about the responsible use of social media in spreading awareness about our
project was highly relevant to us. Specially since our current project, smart Pakistan is entirely virtual,
effective strategies mentioned in the book to promote our venture were quite useful.

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