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Quality management requirement from

Quality Management requirement:
Team Organization Construction
 Dedicated Quality Manager/Engineer. ( Diposisikan Quality Manager / Engineer )
 Single point of contact for quality. ( Quality Satu Pintu )
 Team Size 4, (TL-1 , Tech- 2 , 1 Rigger) . ( Jumlah Team 4, ( Team Leader-1, Teknisi 2, Rigger 1 )
 Each Team leader shall qualify ZTE quality skill certification exam and obtain skill certificate.
( Setiap Team Leader harus memenuhi Ujian kelulusan dan sertifikat jetrampilan)
 Tool Availability with installation team as per Standard tool list for the particular equipment.
( Tool instalasi per Team sesuai standart )
 Each Team Leader must have Android phone and able to submit self check by using application.
(Setiap Team Leader harus Punya HP Android dan Bisa di gunakan untuk Aplikasi Site manager )
 No manual documentation, all reports shall be submitted in EPMS,
( tidak ada dokumentasi manual, semua laporan harus submit di EPMS,)
 One dedicated Subcon PIC stay in ZTE Quality War room for better coordination.
( Menunjuk Satu PIC berada di Kantor zte untuk koordinasi )
 Self check need to be filled in ZTE site manager application from site (immediately after finish work).
( lakukan self check dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zte Site manager ( segera setelah pekerjaan selesai ) )
 Subcon PIC need coordination for real time audit by ZTE EPMS review engineer to ensure first time acceptance.
Pic Subcon berkoordinasi dengan ZTE engineer review EPMS untuk memastikan hasil Self check yg pertama kali
 Self check QPR must be above 90%,
 QPR Self check harus diatas 90%,
 Self check submission rate – 100%
 Tingkat pengajuan Self check -100%
EHS Management requirement:
Kebutuhan Management EHS

 The person who work on tower must have certificate from authority to work on
Orang yang bekerja di Tower harus memiliki sertifikat dari otoritas untuk bekerja pada ketinggian
 Team leader must have ZTE training certificate.
Team Leader Harus Punya Sertifikat Training ZTE
 Team should aware & follow ZTE H&S Policy and requirement.
Team leader harus peduli dan patuh ada Kebijakan dan Ketentuan ZTE H&S

 All Team member should be above the age of 18 years.

Usia Anggota team harus di atas 18 tahun
 First aid kits should be available at the time of work
Kotak P3K harus ada pada saat kerja
 Subcontractor should use all require safety tools at site.
Sub con harus menggunakan alat keselamatan kerja saat di site

EHS :(Environment-Health-Safety )
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja serta Peran terhadap lingkungan
Internal use only▲
Training regulation for subcontractors
Peraturan Training Untuk Sub Con
(No Skill certificate No Work)
tidak ada Sertifikat pelatihan tidak boleh Kerja on site
Subcon must provide the nominations for training before deploying manpower in Project.
Subkon harus memberikan nominasi untuk pelatihan sebelum penggelaran tenaga kerja di Project

Only TL/Engineer are eligible to obtain skill certificate (Technicians can join training but they will not get skill certificates).
Hanya TL / Insinyur berhak untuk mendapatkan sertifikat keterampilan ( Teknisi dapat mengikuti pelatihan tetapi mereka tidak akan mendapatkan sertifikat keterampilan ) .

Subcon TL/Engineer must have good experience telecom equipment installation, they shall be able to understand project requirement and skilled to perform swap.
Subkon TL / Insinyur harus memiliki pengalaman yang baik dalam instalasi peralatan telekomunikasi , mereka akan dapat memahami kebutuhan proyek dan terampil untuk melakukan swap.

Trained TL/Engineer is not allowed to move to other project without informing to ZTE QM.
Setelah Dilatih TL / Insinyur tidak diperbolehkan untuk pindah ke proyek lainnya tanpa memberitahu ke ZTE QM

If any TL cant pass skill certification exam in two times after training, cost of further training shall be charged from Subcon. After 3 rd time failure such team leaders sha

ll be blacklisted.
Jika dalam ujian kelulusan sertifikasi ada TL yang 2 kali tidak Lulus training, biaya training yang ketiga di bebankan ke sub con, tapi jika dalam 3 kali tetap tidak lulus akan di black list

Subcon must update the availability status of ZTE Trained Employees monthly.
Sub con harus mengupdate status ketersediaan ZTE training tiap bulan

Subcon must ensure that only certified teams are working site.
Sub con harus memastikan bahwa team yang bekerja di Site harus punya Sertifikat

Subcon team leader shall carry their skill card during work.
TL sub con haruds bawa Id card saat berada di site © ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved
Internal use only▲

Training schedule/ Mode & Skill Certificates:

Jadwal Training

Classroom Training- One day classroom training is mandatory,

Pelatihan di Kelas – satu hari pelatihan di kelas adalah wajib

On-Site training- Construction of Model site/During installation at site.

Pelatihan training on site dilakukan ketika melakukan kegiatan instalasi di site

40% Office Training score + 60% on site training score >=70% Eligible for issue skill certificate.
Nilai 40% di kelas, 60% onsite 70% adalah syarat minimal kelulusan

Each trainee shall have Safety tools during training, otherwise he will not be allowed on site.
Trainee shall attend training full time.
Setiap peserta pelatihan harus memiliki alat keselamatan selama pelatihan , kalau tidak, ia tidak akan diizinkan di site .
Peserta Training akan mengikuti pelatihan penuh waktu

© ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved

Site Manager tool : Internal use only▲

(Use Site manager tool to submit self check to obtain work load confirmation )
gunakan Site Manager tool untuk submit self check untuk mengurangi beban kerja
Benefit of using site Manager  Each Subcon TL have to fill sites checklist & upload site photos by using ZTE Site Manager Tool.
Application Setiap TL sub con mengisi checklist dan upload photo di site menggunakan Site manager Tool
Keuntungan menggunakan Aplikasi Site  Self check shall be uploaded on immediately after finish site installation work.
Manager Self Check Harus di upload segera setelah instalasi selesai
Real time report submission
 Non Submission of self check report shall be considered as non completion of site activity.
Record safety,
Tidak melakukan submit self check di anggap tidak melakukan aktifitas di site
Easy access and good for analysis
Immediate feedback of acceptance
 Subcon shall submit self check report only after finish complete rectification work.
status Sub con harus submit self check hanya ketika instalasi sudah bener benar komplete rectifikasi

© ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved

Alat Pelindung Diri


Kotak P3K
PPE Excuses:
Beberapa Alasan tidak mau menggunakan PPE :
Kecelakaan didefinisikan
“I was in a hurry.” (“saya sedang terburu buru.”) Something I think won’t happen to
“ Accidents don’t happen to me. ” Sesuatu yang saya pikir tidak akan
(“Kecelakaan tidak akan terjadi padaku.”) terjadi pada saya.. TAPI TERJADI

“ It’s only going to take a minute. ”

(kecelekaan terjadi hanya dalam hitungan menit)

“ I am Feeling very uncomfortable with PPEs. ”

(Saya merasa sangat tidak nyaman menggunakan PPE)

“ I Always work in speed without PPEs. ”

(saya bisa kerja cepat tanpa PPE)
7 Absolute Rules for safety
7 Aturan Mutlak untuk Keselamatan
• All employees and contractors working for ZTE must:
• Semua Karyawan dan Rekanan Bekerja di ZTE Harus :
• Always use suitable PPE, a safety harness and fall • Never work under the influence of substances
protection equipment when working at height (alcohol or drugs) which are illegal or in excess
(harnesses must be attached at all times when of legal levels or where this impairs the
working at height) individuals’ ability to perform tasks
• Always wear
• Selalu menggunakan APD yang sesuai , safety • Tidak pernah bekerja di bawah pengaruh zat
seat belts when travelling
Harness dan Perlindungan jatuh peralatan agar ( alkohol atau obat-obatan ) yang ilegal atau
in, or operating vehicle
tidak jatuh saat bekerja di ketinggian ( safety melebihi tingkat hukum atau di mana ini
Selalu menggunakan
harness harus dikaitkan setiap saat ketika bekerja di merusak kemampuan individu untuk melakukan
sabuk pengaman selama
ketinggian ) pekerjaan
perjalanan, atau

• Never exceed speed • Never use a hand held • Wear helmet while
limits or travel at speeds phone whilst driving and driving two
• Never carry out electrical work on which are dangerous for only make calls by pulling wheeler/scooter/cycle
electrical equipment, circuits and gear the type of road, vehicle, over or using hands free • Pakai Helm saat
if you are not qualified or conditions devices, when it is safe to mengendarai Roda 2
• do so
jangan pernah melaksanakan • Tidak pernah melebihi
pekerjaan listrik pada peralatan listrik , batas kecepatan atau • jangan Telfon saat
MCB dan Wiring/sisir jika Anda tidak melakukan perjalanan mengemudi,atau gunakan
memenuhi syarat dengan kecepatan yang Hansfree dan tau kapan
berbahaya di jalan melakukanya
Proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
PPE yang Benar ( Alat pelindung diri )

Always wear good condition personal protective equipment (PPE).

Selalu memakai kondisi alat pelindung diri yang baik ( PPE ) .
Damage PPE cannot provide full protection for HELMET
you. Get your damage PPE changed.
Kerusakan PPE tidak dapat memberikan perlindungan penuh untuk Anda . jika PPE Rusak segera diganti.


Groves if necessary


Page 10
PPEs details which required during work on height & Under tower, shelter.
Details PPE sesuai untuk bekerja di ketinggian & Under tower, shelter .

Safety Harness (When Working on height)

Safety helmet ( Helm Safety)
Safety gloves (sarung tangan Safety)
Safety shoes/boots ( Sepatu Safety)
Note: Always wear good condition personal protective e
quipment (PPE). Damage/ improper PPE cannot pro
vide full protection for you.
Catatan : Selalu memakai alat pelindung diri dg kondisi yg baik ( PPE ) . Kerusakan / tidak benar PPE tidak dapat
memberikan perlindungan penuh untuk Anda .
Safety Harness:
Wear and anchor your safety harness when working on
height. Use only safety harness (safety belt are not
Pakai dan Pasang harness keselamatan Anda ketika bekerja di ketinggian .
Gunakan hanya safety harness ( sabuk pengaman tidak diperbolehkan ) .
Safety helmet:
Ensure that each affected employee wears a protective helmet where
there is a potential for head injury from falling objects and near exposed
electrical conductors which could contact the head
Pastikan bahwa setiap karyawan yang terkena memakai helm pelindung di mana ada potensi cedera kepala dari benda Right way
yang jatuh dan dekat terkena konduktor listrik yang bisa menyentuh kepala
Safety helmet:
No body is allowed to work at project sites with low standard
helmet or damaged helmet.
Tidak di ijinkan bekerja di proyek tanpa menggunakan Helm yang
tidak standart atau Helm Rusak
Safety gloves, Safety shoes/boots:
All the worker must use protective footwear and safety gloves during work at project sites.
Semua Pekerja harus Menggunakan Sepatu Safety dan Sarung tanganSafety Selama Bekerja di
First Aid Box:
Kotak P3K

First Aid Box must be there in every Tool Kit

Kotak P3K harus ada di setiap Tool Kit

•Sterilized dressing bandage ( Perban yang steril )

• Sterilized Cotton wool ( Kapas yang Steril )
•Sterilized Burn dressing. ( Pereda Luka Bakar )
•Antiseptic lotion (lotion antiseptik)
•Snake bite lancet (Salep Gigitan Ular)
•Ointment for burns (Salep untuk luka bakar)
•Scissors and Anti bacterial Cream ( gunting dan Cream
anti bacteri )
IF not using PPEs or Proper PPEs:
Jika tidak menggunakan PPE yang Tepat

•Customer satisfaction will degrade. (Kepuasan pelanggan akan menurun)

•Employee grievance may increase. (keluhan karyawan dapat meningkat).
•Government may take legal action.(Pemerintah dapat mengambil tindakan hukum)
•Due to accident project cost may increase.(Karena kecelakaan biaya project dapat meningkat)
•Worker is not safe on site, work efficiency may decrease, work may get delay.
•(Pekerja tidak aman di site , dapat menurunkan efisiensi kerja, pekerjaan mungkin mendapatkan penundaan)

•If body part get effected worker will be out of job.

•(Jika tubuh yang mendapatkan kecelakaan ,pekerja akan keluar dari pekerjaan )

•Site equipments may get effected. ( berimpact ke Perangkat di Site )

Make yourself aware about the emergency exit whenever enter a
Site. The emergency plan is displayed at the entrance of the building.
In case alarm is raised assemble at the designated area.
Buatlah diri Anda peduli tentang pintu darurat setiap kali masuk ke Site. Rencana darurat ditampilkan di pintu
masuk gedung . jika ada alarm silakan berkumpul di daerah yang ditunjuk .

In case of Fire ( Jika terjadi Kebakaran )

• In case of fire in wood, paper use A Type Fire Extinguisher or Water
(Dalam kasus kebakaran di kayu , kertas.Gunakan Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Type A atau Air)
• In case of oil fire, Use B Type of Fire Extinguisher,
Dalam kasus kebakaran minyak , Gunakan Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Jenis B,
• In case of electrical fire, use C Type Fire Extinguisher
(Jika terjadi kebakaran listrik ,Gunakan Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Jenis C)
• ABC type fire extinguisher may be used in all three cases.
(Jenis pemadam kebakaran ABC dapat digunakan dalam semua tiga kasus )
In case of Earthquake (Dalam kasus Gempa)
• Duck under a desk or sturdy table.
(Berlindung di bawah meja atau meja kokoh)
• Stay away from windows, bookcases, file etc. cabinets, heavy mirrors, hanging plants,
and other heavy objects that could fall ( Jauhi jendela , rak buku , lemari arsip dll , cermin berat ,
tanaman gantung,
dan benda-benda berat lainnya yang bisa jatuh)
• Watch out for falling plaster and ceiling tiles. Stay under cover until the shaking stops
(Hati-hati untuk kejatuhan plester dan langit-langit ubin . Tetep Berlindung sampai berhenti Gempa)
• If you are in high building, do not use the elevator.
(Jika Anda berada di gedung tinggi , jangan menggunakan lift)
• If you’re outdoor move to a clear area, away from trees, signs, buildings, or electrical
wires and poles.
(Jika Anda berada di area luar gedung, Cari Lokasi yang Bebas dari kejatuhan pohon, bangunan , atau
Tiang listrik )
• Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.
(Jauhi bangunan , lampu jalan , dan Bagian kabel.)
• Keep away from where glass could shatter around windows, mirrors, pictures, or where
heavy bookcases or other heavy furniture could fall over.(• Hindari jendela kaca yang bisa pecah ,
cermin , gambar , atau di mana rak buku berat atau furnitur berat lainnya bisa jatuh)
In case of Bomb Threat and Violence (Ancaman Bom dan Kejahatan)
• Try to indulge the accused as much as possible ( coba lakukan negosiasi sebisa mungkin )

• Inform the security and police whenever you get a chance.

( ketika ada kesempatan infomasikan kejadian kepada Petugas Keamanan dan Polisi )

In case of Stress ( jika Stres )

Take deep and long breaths, if you are aware of Anulom Vilom Pranayam, Do it at
least 10 times or till the time you feel better. ( Berdoa )
Thank You

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