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A Critical Evaluation of


Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Zeki Bayram
Eastern Mediterranean University
North Cyprus

Web Services
 Callable programs over the Web with
standardized interfaces and using Internet
 Restful web services (lightweight) vs. Simple

Object Access Protocol - SOAP (heavy)

 Web service consists of methods to perform a

specific job (e.g. hotel reservation)

 Distributed computing where platform

becomes insignificant

Semantic Web Services
 Add semantic layer to web services
 Web services annotated with machine-
understandable meta-data
 Theoretically, allows automatic discovery,
composition and invocation of web services
 Two approaches: bottom-up, where existing
web service methods are annotated at the level
of methods, and top-down, where a high level
semantic specification of a web service is
mapped to an actual web service through

Semantic Web Services (Top-down)
 Two major top-down methods: OWL-S and
WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology). OWL-
S is "an ontology, within the OWL-based
framework of the Semantic Web, for describing
Semantic Web Services.”
 We concentrate on WSMO
 WSMO has 4 main components
◦ Goal
◦ Web Service
◦ Ontology
◦ Mediation

WSMO languages
 WSML-Core corresponds with the intersection of Description
Logic and Horn Logic (without function symbols and without
 WSML-DL extends WSML-Core to Description Logic, namely,  SHIQ
 WSML-Flight extends WSML-Core in the direction of Logic

Programming. WSML-Flight has features such as value

constraints and integrity constraints. Furthermore, WSML-Flight
incorporates a fully-fledged rule language, while still allowing
efficient decidable reasoning
 WSML-Rule  extends WSML-Flight to a fully-fledged Logic

Programming language, including function symbols..

 WSML-Full unifies all WSML variants under a common First-Order

umbrella with non-monotonic extensions which allow to capture

nonmonotonic negation of WSML-Rule.

Using WSML-rule: concepts and
 concept Doctor subConceptOf Person
worksAt inverseOf (employsDoctor )
ofType H o s p i t a l
hasSpecialty ofType Specialty
hasFreeTime ofType DateTime

 instance hurkan memberOf Doctor

hasSpecialty hasValue otolaryngology
worksAt hasValue magusaTipMerkezi

Axioms: making sure the ontology
stays in a consistent state
 axiom noDoctorClash
!- appointment (? dt , ? doc , ? pat1 )
and appointment (? dt , ? doc , ? pat2 )
and ? pat1 != ? pat2 .

 axiom noPatientClash
!- appointment (? dt , ? doc1 , ? pat )
and appointment (? dt , ? doc2 , ? pat )
and ? doc1 != ? doc2 .

 relation appointment ( ofType DateTime ,
ofType Doctor , ofType Patient )

 relation worksOn ( ofType Doctor , ofType

Day , ofType integer )

 relation free (ofType DateTime , ofType

Doctor )

Web service specification-prelude

Web service specification- capability

Web service specification-

Web service specification-assumption

Web service specification-

Web service specification-effect

Goal specification

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 General Observations

◦ Comprehensive approach that tries to leave no

aspect of semantic web services out.
◦ Tries to provide everything everybody could ever
want and let each potential user chose the “most
suitable” variant of the language for the job at hand.
◦ This approach has resulted in a complex syntax, as
well as a complex set of rules that differentiate one
version of the language form another.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Deficiencies in Syntax

◦ WSML-DL and WSML-full have no explicit syntax for

the description logic component, relying on a first-
order encoding of description logic statements.
Without proper syntax, it is not possible to use
them in the specification of semantic web services
in a convenient way.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Logical Basis of WSMO

◦ The ontology component of WSMO is based on F-

logic, which gives this component a solid
theoretical foundation. However, its precise
relationship to F-logic has not been given formally,
and what features of F-logic have been left out are
not specified explicitly.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Lack of a Semantics Specification for Web
Service Methods/Operations
◦ The interplay between choreography, grounding
and logical specification of what the web service
does (including the lack of the specification
of semantics for web service methods) has been
overlooked in WSMO. All these components need
development and integration in order to make them
part of a coherent whole.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Implementation and Tool Support

◦ Some developmental tools, such as the “Web

Services Modeling Toolkit” exist which make writing
WSML specifications relatively easy. However, these
tools depend on external reasoner support, rather
than having intrinsic reasoning capabilities. As
such, development and testing of semantic web
service specifications cannot be made in a reliable
manner. For example, no explanations are
given when discovery fails for a given goal.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Problems with choreography
◦ Choreography (evolving ontologies) is purportedly based on
abstract state machines (evolving algebras), but the precise
connection between them has not been given.
◦ The fact that in an abstract state machine rules are fired in
parallel does not match well with the real life situation that
method calls implied by the firing
of rules have to be executed sequentially.
◦ Both goals and web services have choreography
specifications, but there is no notion of how the
choreographies of goals and web services are supposed
to match during the discovery phase.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Problems with choreography (cont.)
◦ The choreography rule language allows nested rules. Although
this nesting permits very expressive rules to be written, using
the “if”, “forall” and “choose” constructs in any combination in a
nested manner, the resulting rules are prohibitively complex,
both to understand, and to execute.
◦ In the grounding process, only the availability of
instances that can be passed as parameters to methods, and the
predetermined mapping between concepts and parameters, are
considered, with no pre-conditions for method calls. This is a
major flaw, since it may be that
two methods have exactly the same parameter set, but they
perform very different functions, and the wrong one gets called.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Problems with choreography (cont.)
◦ The choreography specification is disparate from
the capability specification (pre-conditions, post-
conditions), whereas they are in fact intimately
related and intertwined. The actions specified in the
choreography should actually take the initial state
of the ontologies to their final state, through the
interaction of the requester and web service. This
fact is completely overlooked in WSMO

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Problems with choreography (cont.)
◦ Choreography engine execution stops in WSMO
when no more rules apply. A natural time for it to
stop would be when the conditions specified in the
goal are satisfied by the current state of the
ontology stores. Again this is a design flaw, which
is due to the fact that the intimate relationship
between the capability specification and
choreography has been overlooked.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Orchestration

◦ The orchestration component of WSMO is yet to be defined.

◦ Idea itself seems misguided. Why would a requester
care about how a service provider provides its service?
◦ Its proper place would be inside the specification of a
complex goal, which would help and guide the service
discovery component to not only find a service that
meets the requirements of the goal, but also mix-and-
match and compose different web services to achieve the
requirements of the goal.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Goal Specification
The logical correspondence between the “pre-conditions,”
“assumptions,” “postconditions” and “effects,” of goals and web
services is not specified at all. The usage of the same
terminology for both goals and web services is also misleading.
 In reality, the web service requires that its pre-conditions and

assumptions hold before it can be called, and guarantees that if

it is called, the post-conditions and effects will be true. On the
other hand, the goal declares that it guarantees a certain state,
perhaps by adding instances to the instance store, of the world
before it makes a request to a web service, and requires certain
conditions to be true as a result of the execution of the web
service. The syntax of the goals should be consistent with this
state of affairs

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Reusing Goals Through Specialization

◦ Being able to reuse an existing goal after

specializing it in some way would be
very beneficial. The template mechanism of
programming languages, or “prepared queries with
parameters” in the world of databases are concepts
which can be adapted to goals in WSMO to achieve
the required specialization. Such functionality is
currently missing in WSML.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Specialization Mechanism for Web Service

◦ Developing a web service specification from scratch

is a very formidable task.
Just like in the case of specializing goals, a
mechanism for taking a “generic”
web service specification in a domain, and
specializing it to describe a specific
web service functionality would be a very useful

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Missing Aggregate Function Capability
◦ The logic used in WSML (even in WSML full) does
not permit aggregate functions in the sense of
database query languages (sum, average etc.).
Such functionality is missed in practical

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Extra-Logical Predicates

◦ The ability to check whether a logic variable is

bound to an object, or whether it is in an unbound
state (the var predicate of Prolog) is missing. The
availability of this feature is of practical importance,
since for example a web service pre-condition may
be a disjunction, and depending on the input
provided by the goal, some variables in the
disjunction may remain unbound after a
successful match.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Multiple Functionality in a Web Service

◦ A WSML goal or web service may only have one

capability. This is a severe
restriction, since a web service can possibly provide
different results, depending
on the provided input. Ideally, each web service
specification should be able to
have a set of capabilities. This is not currently
available in WSMO or WSML.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Automatic Mapping Between Attributes and

◦ Although one can define a binary relation for each

attribute using an axiom, relating objects and their
attribute values, this is cumbersome when done
manually. Having it done automatically would be
nice, a feature currently not available in WSML.

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 Error Processing

◦ There is currently no mechanism specifying how to

handle errors when they arise. For example, what
should be done when a constraint is violated in
some ontology? There should be a way of
communicating error conditions to the requester
when they arise. This could be the counterpart of
the exception mechanism in programming

Evaluation of WSMO/WSML
 No Agreed-Upon Semantics for WSML-Full

◦ WSML-full, which is a combination of WSML-DL and

WSML-rule, has no agreed-upon semantics yet.
With no formal semantics available, it is hard to
imagine how WSML-full specifications could be
processed at all.

 WSMO and its WSML class of languages are
 Currently, they are too large and involved for

practical application (as evidenced by lack of

adoption by industry).
 Several of their shortcomings have been

identified in this paper

 The authors believe once the shortcomings are

rectified, they can be very useful and practical

in specifying /consuming semantic web services

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Author Proof
Critical Evaluation of WSMO and WSML 9
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