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Adjectives and Adverbs

zPresented by: Belén Victoria Lira Sánchez

Jareth Selim Vásquez Ruíz
Jovan Antonio Cortez Saavedra

Teacher: Alba Nelie Ordóñez

Group: B1-G1

Managua, Nicaragua 23rd June, 2020

An adjective modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. It usually answers the question of which one,
what kind, or how many. (Articles [a, an, the] are usually classified as adjectives.)

Examples of adjectives: long, sweet, beautiful, old, young, large, short…

The young girl brought me a very long letter from the teacher, and
then she quickly disappeared.

Adjectives may also follow the word they modify:

That puppy looks cute.
The technology is state-of-the-art.

Adjectives come in three forms, also called degrees. An adjective in its normal or usual form is called
a positive degree adjective. There are also the comparative and superlative degrees, which are used
for comparison, as in the following examples

Note: a common error in using adjectives and adverbs arises from using the wrong form of
comparison. To compare two things, always use a comparative adjective:
Example: She is the cleverer of the two women (never cleverest)

The word cleverest is what is called the superlative form of clever. Use it only when comparing three
or more things:
Example: She is the cleverest of them all.
The girl is happier than her mom.
The elephant is fatter than the giraffe
The airplane is the most expensive.
z Adverbs
An adverb modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb but never a noun. It
usually answers the questions of when, where, how, why, under what conditions or to what degree.
Adverbs often end in -ly.

Classification of Adverbs
1. Adverb of Time: answers the questions 'when' or "how long' or "how often'
ex. She frequently goes to the mall.

2. Adverb of Place: answers the question 'where'

ex. She went inside the mall.

3. Adverb of Degree: answers the questions how much' or 'up to what extent
ex. Lea likes her new bag very much.

4. Adverb of Purpose: answers the question 'why'

ex. Anna watered the plants to make them grow.

5. Adverb of Manner: answers the question 'how'

ex. Rachel dances gracefully.
z Examples:

He gave us the money generously.

The child ran happily towards his mother.

He waited patiently for his mother to arrive.

The rain fell hard during the storm.

 Jack looked everywhere for his missing keys.

 I want to go fishing somewhere warm and sunny.

He never wants to go to the park with me.

I only take the bus to work on Mondays.

I really don't care what you think.

The young girl brought me a very long letter from the

teacher, and then she quickly disappeared. Oh my!

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