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Issues and Problems Related

Sexually-transmitted infection or STI
• also known as sexually-transmitted disease (STD) is a communicable
disease that is spread by a pathogen (disease-causing organism) from
one person to another person through sexual contact. A person who
has a sexual relationship with someone who is infected can get one or
more of these diseases. STIs are transmitted through an exchange of
bodily fluids during sexual intercourse. These infections are commonly
caused by bacteria and viruses. Some STIs can be treated successfully
but many STIs such as HIV/AIDS still have no cure. The good news is,
all STIs can be prevented.
Symptoms of STIs depend on the type of infections.
Common symptoms include discharge from the
genitals, warts, blisters or sores in the genital area, a
rash, painful urination, or flu- like symptoms. Some
STIs don‟t have any signs or symptoms. In fact one of
every 10 people can have STIs but be asymptomatic.
These people are carriers and are very dangerous
because they can transmit an infection without even
knowing it. . The only certain way to prevent/to
keep from catching these diseases is by abstinence.
Sexual abstinence is the deliberate choice to refrain
from all sexual activity.
What are HIV and AIDS?
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a fatal communicable
disease with no effective treatment or known cure. It is the final stage of
infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). When HIV
enters the body it attacks the body‟s immune system. Thus, the body
becomes vulnerable to opportunistic infections or diseases that develop
when the body‟s defense system becomes weak. Among these
infections are Kaposi‟s sarcoma, a rare but deadly type of skin cancer,
recurrent pneumonia, and toxoplasmosis within the brain. Early
symptoms of infection with HIV may include a rash, sore throat, fever,
and tiredness. Nearly everyone with HIV develops AIDS. People with
AIDS cannot fight off diseases that healthy people could easily resist.
Because AIDS has no cure, people with AIDS eventually die from one of
these diseases.
Abstinence is ____________________. Now
what is sexual abstinence?
How can sexual abstinence keep a person from
getting pregnant and protect them from STIs
HIV AIDS? Some people choose abstinence for
other reasons as well.
Read the article and use the information in the
article to complete the chart that follows.
Remember to copy the chart in your activity
notebook and fill it with required entries.
Marta, 15 years old, wants to finish her schooling without delay and give her
full attention to helping her parents in their business. She has a close friend
Jonathan, 17 years old, who invited her to attend a party with their friends.
Marta knew that this group of friends has been drinking alcohol and using
drugs. She knows that using drugs and alcohol affects one’s ability to make
decisions regarding sexual behavior. This means that when a person uses
drugs or gets drunk, his/her ability to think clearly and wisely can be affected.
So, he told Jonathan that in order to avoid getting infected with STIs such as
HIV/AIDS they must refrain from doing risky behavior that may tempt them to
have undesirable sexual activities. She was able to convince Jonathan to stay
away from this group of friends who engage in unhealthful practices.
Jonathan realized that abstinence is a good way to avoid getting into trouble.
Their classmates, Peter and Joanna, have also chosen abstinence. They
promise to abstain from sexual behavior because they would like to keep their
purity until marriage. Instead, they focus on their studies in order to prepare
for their future together.
Racquel does not engage in sexual behavior because she would like to
protect her reputation and that of her family. She believes that risky sexual
behaviors will only bring her shame and guilt.
Apparently, Noemi wanted to abstain from sex because she chose to obey her
parents’ advice to be modest and respect her body.
All of these young people have different reasons but the end result is the
same- they have chosen abstinence and they are all proud of their decision.
• 1.Sexually Transmitted Disease
• 2.Sexually Transmitted Infection
• 3.Disease-causing organism
• 4.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
• 5.Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
• 6.Martha
• 7. Jonathan
• 8. Joanna
• 9.Peter
• 10.Racquel
• 11. Naomi
Thank you for listening!!!
How do I protect myself

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