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The dangers of the internet

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Page 1 Page 6 E-book by Hannah
Page 2 End Bashir
Page 3 Home
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Social media can be dangerous.

Giving out private and personal information on the internet can badly affect you and your identity, this can lead
to theft and people posing to be you to take your things. By telling you Sakura’s story you can learn what and
not to do when coming across dangers on the internet.
The beginning

I was at home on my phone playing some games when I got a text message from whom I didn’t
know, not being sure what to do I opened and read the text it had said ‘Hey my name is Sarah, wanna
be friends?’ followed by a picture of which was meant to be ‘her’ feeling a swell of suspicion I just
ignored it and went back to playing my game. Just then I received a second text message ‘come on
girl I know you read my message I just wanna be friends.’. Knowing I couldn’t just ignore her I
typed a response, ‘Hey my name is Sakura I would be glad to make friends .’
‘Great! What's your favorite colour?’ Sarah typed
‘I’d probably say purple.’
‘OMG same,’
We carried on chatting for about a whole hour until my mum called me for dinner
It turns out we have a lot in common.
‘aw man I got to go’ I told her
‘aw real bummer  text me tomorrow?’
‘definitely TTYL’
‘bye ”
Sarah obsession

It only took a few days for me to become obsessed with Sarah, everyday after school I would get on my phone
and text her for hours. I would tell her everything like where my school is and my school name and also about
my friends and siblings. She was someone who I felt I trusted someone who I could share something that I
thought openly to. Soon she was someone that mattered in my life, someone I cared about. We have never seen
each other face to face but I believed that we had a connection of some sort. Little did I know she was not who I
expected her to be.
Suspicion starts to rise.

Sometimes ‘Sarah’ wouldn’t leave me alone when I wanted to be, she would continuously text me asking me
questions like ‘what are you doing’ or ‘hey text me back ’ sometimes I would just ask to be alone but the she
would ask why, I thought I could trust her so I told her everything which of course she didn’t need to know.
Telling her everything made me feel insecure and curios but me being myself I let these feelings pass Sarah was
my friend right?...
Going to meet sarah.

Soon after awhile ‘Sarah’ would ask me some personal questions about where I lived and where my friends lived
honestly I didn’t think about the outcome of giving out addresses to someone random you met through text,
Soon after this she asked me to meet her she said she lived around the block and wanted to meet at the park, I
had so badly wanted to meet her if only I could get through to my parents…
Convincing mum and dad.

“So mum dad…” I said

“I was wondering if you would let me go to the park this evening, I mean it is the weekend tomorrow.”
“Why do you want to go to the park sweetie?” asked mum,
“I just want to meet up with my friend.”
“Ha sakura has a friend didn’t expect that!” sneered Tom my older brother,
“oh shut up.”
“ Who do you want to meet up with Sakura?”
“Just my friend from school,”
“I don’t see the harm in that. I guess you can go.”
“Thanks mum!”

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