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Once you have outlined your ideas, it ist time to
write your first draft. At this stage, you need to focus
on the content and organization

Build your paper’s credibility by using reliable and

valid sources.
When using the internet, you should check the
website address and look at the uniform resource
locator (URL).
The last part in its domain name is known as the top
level domain, and it indicates who owns the site. You
can then glean what a site’s focus is depending on
the owner.
(Top Level Owner
.com Company

.org Non-profit organization

.edu Educational Institution

.gov Government Agency

The following are usually reliable sources:

 References that are available in Google Scholar or Google
 .edu, .gov and .mil links
Feedback is an important component of the writing
process. It is a response to the written work which
focuses on all aspect of writing.

During the drafting stage, the feedback focuses more

on the content, structure, organization, and clarity of
the message.
Below are some of the questions that can be used during the
feedback stage
1. Does the paper achieve its purpose?
2. Is the opening statement interesting?
3. Is the thesis statement is true?
4. Does each paragraph have one focus or main idea?
5. Do the supporting details sufficient?
6. Are the supporting details sufficient?
7. Does the concluding paragraph restate the main ideas?
8. Does the essay end with an impact?
9. Does the paper provide sufficient examples and description?
10. Does the paper use an appropriate organization pattern
and structure?
11. Does the paper use effective cohesive device?
12. Is the paper free from out-of-place ideas?
13. Are the ideas clustered logically?
14. Are the ideas clustered logically?
15. Are the ideas sequenced properly?
15. Is the word choice appropriate?
16. Does the paper showcase the writer’s voice?
17. Does the paper use different sentence structures?
18. Does the paper use an appropriate tone and level
of formality?
19. Does the paper use an effective language style?
Revision is the act of improving the original paper
by applying changes based on the feedback. You also
need to apply critical thinking and evaluation skills
when considering the comments on your paper.
You do not have to accept all the comments as long
as there are valid reasons for doing so.
If time permits, give yourself two to three days
before starting your revision because having a break
allows you to have a fresher look at your paper
The finishing stage of writing are editing and
proofreading focuses on typography and
There are several ways of going through the
editing process. You can edit it on your own or
you may ask someone credible enough to edit
your work.
Another matter you have to face when editing is the
issue of plagiarism

It is not only important that you present original

insights in you work , it is also important that you
cite your sources. Since the Internet is now widely
used and consulted without properly citing them.
To avoid this, you can use an online plagiarism
checker such as and to check the
source of the plagiarized content and do the
necessary citation.
Even if most of your written works are made for academic
purposes only, you can still share them with other people. After
exerting effort in writing a good paper, you have to showcase
your work to other people.
This stage known as publishing. One way you publish your work
is by posting it on social networking sites such as blogs or
Facebook and more reputed research-sharing websites such as
You can also publish your work collectively with your classmates
by coming up with a book or magazine out of your essays or by
creating a class blog which will feature everyone’s work.
Thank you for
Prepared By:
Laminero, Marinell V.
Sumigcay, Matt Lemoel Y.

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