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SALSABILA PUTRI (1913351006)
WILDA NINDIA PUTRI (1913351015 )
OCA JESIKA (1913351018)
YULI ASTUTI (1913351028)
ANNISA INDAH (1913351032)
YASPATI GANDA (1913351030)
 Water is the main requirement for the process of life on
earth, so there is no life if on earth there is no water.
Relatively clean water is highly desirable by humans, both
for daily living needs, for industrial purposes, for urban
sanitation, and for agricultural purposes and others
(Suparwato, 2008).
 Nowadays, water is a problem that needs serious attention.
To get good water according to certain standards, now it
becomes an expensive item, because water has been
polluted by various kinds of waste from various human
activities. So that in quality, water resources have
decreased. Likewise in quantity, which has been unable to
meet the increasing needs (Hastomo, 2010).

Water pollution is a change in conditions in water reservoirs

such as lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water due to
human activities. Rivers, lakes, oceans and ground water
are important parts of the cycle of human life and are one
part of the hydrological cycle. Besides the flow of water
also flows sediment and pollutants. Various functions really
help human life.
Sources of water pollution include:
1. industrial waste
Industrial waste is very potential as a cause of water pollution. In general,
industrial waste contains B3 waste, which is hazardous and toxic material.
According to PP 18 year 99 article 1, B3 waste is the residue of a business
or activity that contains hazardous and toxic materials that can pollute or
damage the environment so that it endangers the health and survival of
humans and other creatures.
2. Agriculture Waste
Fertilizers and pesticides are commonly used by farmers to care for their
crops. However, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides can pollute
water. Fertilizer wastes contain phosphate which can stimulate the growth of
water weeds such as algae and water hyacinth. The uncontrolled growth of
water weeds causes impacts such as those caused by detergent pollution.
3. Household Waste
Domestic waste contains domestic waste in the form of organic
and inorganic waste and detergent. Organic waste is waste that can be
decomposed or decomposed by bacteria. For example the remains of
vegetables, fruits, and leaves. Whereas inorganic waste such as paper,
plastic, glass or glass, cloth, wood, metal, rubber, and leather. These
wastes cannot be broken down by bacteria (non-biodegrable). Organic
waste discharged into the river causes a reduction in the amount of
dissolved oxygen, because most bacteria are used for the
decomposition process.
If inorganic waste is dumped into the river, sunlight can be blocked
and inhibits the photosynthesis process of aquatic plants and algae,
which produce oxygen. And detergent is the most potential residential
waste to pollute water. At this time almost every household uses
detergent, even though detergent waste is very difficult to be
deciphered by bacteria.

Dangers Caused by Water Pollution

 The biggest problem in water pollution is garbage disposal in any

place. For example: garbage disposal at river mouths, at sea, or at
home small sewers. This can cause disease.
 Examples of such incidents in Japan. The mercury that is
discharged by a plastic industry into the Minamata bay accumulates
in the body tissues of fish and people who consume suffer from
disabilities or die.
 Most of the contents contained in pollutants come from chemicals
which can damage human organs to cancer, including: arsenate,
uradium, chrome, lead, mercury, benzon, tetrachloride, carbon, etc.
Heavy metal material has a density of more than 5 gr /
cm3 and it is this breakdown resistant nature that causes
this material to accumulate more in water. If this material
enters the water which will then enter the human body,
both directly and indirectly, it will cause health hazards
 Maintaining clean water sources that are not contaminated
 the source of clean water must be kept clean. Not polluted, because if
contaminated it will be difficult to clean.
 Plant thick woody plants
 Thick woody plants are plants that can absorb water well. That way,
sufficient groundwater supplies and clean water sources can be
 Do not throw garbage into the river
 If garbage thrown from one household into the river alone is already
polluting the river. What is the case if every household in Indonesia
throws their household waste into the river. The river becomes very dirty
and polluted. Siltation of the river ensues which can eventually cause
flooding. Floods drain polluted water into residential areas that can
cause disease outbreaks, such as diarrhea, skin diseases, and so forth.
The consequences of water pollution include:
 Disruption of the life of aquatic organisms due to reduced
oxygen content (O2)
 Algae explosion and aquatic plants (eurotrification)
 Silting bottom of the waters
 Blocked reservoir filter and cause ecological changes
 In the long run are cancer and birth defects
 As a result of excessive use of pasticides in addition to killing
pests and diseases, it also kills insects and useful creatures,
especially predators
 Death of ancient biota, such as: plankton, even birds
 Cell mutations, cancer, and leukemia
 Tenses :
 Present tense : water is the main requirement for the process
of life on earth, so there is no life if on erath there is no water
 Present perfect tense : water has been polluted bu various
kinds of waste from various human activities.
 Presebt perfect continuous : Like wise in quantity, which has
been unable to meet the increasing needs

 Part of speech
 Noun : water, humans, lakes, rivers, oceans, farmers, plants,
algae, bacteria, and river
 Pronoun :
 Verb : need, get, change, flow, help, become, meet
 Adjective : important, clean
- Preposition : in, on, for, by
- Adverb :
- Interjection :
- Conjungtion :

> Part sentences

- Water pollution is change in conditions in water reservoirs such as
lakes, rivers, oceans, and ground water due to human activities

> Part of sentences

> Simple
> Compound
> Complexs
Requirement Kebutuhan
Desireble Diinginkan
Reservois Waduk
Endangers Berbahaya
Disruption Gangguan
Deciphered Diuraikan
Dumped Dibuang
Excessive Berlebihan
Pest Hama
Silting Pendangkalan

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