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The tiny house movement

It is just about a tiny house, that advocates living simply in

small homes. it is a trend for people who need to be with
minimal resources, reduce its own live spaces to the minimal
required, and be ecofriendly
What are the advantages and
disadvantages it has?

The advantages are because if you need to

move some different city for about work,
you don’t need to rent a room or
apartment, you only have to move there
with your tiny house.

If you live in a busy city you have available

to move over quiet place or be on camp
field for relaxing time with family on
weekends or any moment.
…and disadvantages

It does not have enough space for keep personal things, Less
Storage Space. Living in a tiny house isn’t for everyone.
Anyone who is claustrophobic or is deeply attached to
belongings that take up lots of room won’t feel comfortable in
a space this small.
How does it relate to furniture and

• You only have the necessary furniture and appliances because

space saving is the priority but you have a lot of options
available for personalize as you like.
• 'Tiny houses' in Colombia: can a
great life fit in a very small house?

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